Lady Day's Weekly Spiritual Consultation 4/9/2009
Hello. You deserve to be happy. As a matter of fact, happiness, love, joy&peace of mind are fruits of the spirit that Jesus died for us to have. You life should be reflective of this. If you are not experiencing this, then you need to do a quick evaluation of what's going on in your life&move quickly back to being in the will of god. Dont let anyone or anything steal your joy&peace of mind. As sure as the sun will rise, when your happiness arrives you will see things pop up to try up to try&steal your joy. Dont let it. Marinate&enjoy your happy time. You deserve it. And if you are not happy, how do you get to this? Make a decision to be happy. Happiness is a choice. It is a state of mind. There are so many things you can make a decision to be happy about. Like the fact that you are alive, breathing, walking, talking&have a roof over your head. You ate last night&today. Be thankful. You have people who love you. You are divinely made. I could go on&on about things to be happy about. You should be able to do the same. Have a grateful heart for the blessings that you have. Meditate on the good that is in your life&has come your way&you will be happy. Then people will gravitate to you because you are a pleasure to be around. People like being around happy people. And trust misery likes company too, so watch the company you keep. And the most important thing you can get happy about is the fact that god loves you. And if he loves you, you can love you!I let you know all the time, to make each day a national holiday for you. like mondays are "me time", time to love&like you. spoil yourself. thursdays are "thankful time" time to praise god for what he has done. see, you can have fun just making life a joy to be living. &thus you will have a wonderful live. remember, you are very special, and deserve the best, dont stop until you see it manifested in your life.
Until next week, stay special&blessed!
: )
Lady Charmaine Day
Pastor and Christian Consultant
Unlimited Help Ministries
"Helping individuals transform their mind, body and spirit utilizing the principles of Jesus Christ"
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