God's promises and Jesus hasn't quit!
May I have your attention please. Please, may I have your attention. This note is to remind you of your right and privileges as a child of God. God promised you peace of mind, love, joy, happiness, good health, prosperity, a more abundant life and a closer relationship with him through having his son Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. To my knowledge, there has not been a communication memo to you nor I in the last thirty nine years telling us that Jesus Christ quit on his job and that what God promised us is null and void. Correct? So please, stop giving room to worry, doubt, fear and anxiety about things that arise in your life that are contrary to God’s word. So when lack of any shape form or fashion comes, tell it to go. When poverty wants to strike, tell it to go back where it came from, when depression and sickness comes rebuke it in the name of Jesus and tell it that everything must bow down to the name of Jesus and cease from its works.
You are not a victim in this life but a victor. Jesus came so that you could have victory and success in every area of your life. If you are suffering in some area of your life you need to ask yourself why am I settling for this when God has promised me something positive? Then quickly, run like you are on fire to God asking God to take care of this area and to implement his promise. Then stand. Don’t be moved by what you see, hear, smell or feel. Don’t be moved by your circumstance or by other people. Just stand and don’t pick it back up. Have faith and believe in God for the victory in that area. And it will surely come.
God’s promises can be found in Deuteronomy 28:1-13. There you will find that God promised to bless your home, your work, your family, your body. He promised to make you a leader, a lender, and prosperous. He promised to bless you in the present and in the future. He promised to go before you and bless your coming and going. He promised if an enemy comes at you in one direction that they will flee you in seven directions. And he promised so much more. Read it for yourself and you will get excited because in essence God has promised you a wonderful life. He wants you to be happy. He wants you to be prosperous and he wants you to be excited about getting up each day and praising his name because he is a great God.
So just like you haven’t quit your job, know that Jesus hasn’t quit his. God hasn’t quit on you either. So keep living on purpose. Don’t settle for nothing less than the best in every area of your life because that is what you deserve. You are special.
Stay blessed!
: )
Lady Charmaine Day
Pastor, Author and Christian Consultant
CEO, Unlimited Help Inc.
“Helping individuals transform their mind, body and spirit utilizing the principles of Jesus Christ”