America's great expectations built around slavery perceptions has branded black women in the workplace for centuries. The black woman over the span of time has been elevated in salary, title, position, prestige, and influence.
The black woman over the centuries has been given more money, added responsibility and more recognition but every step of the way she also takes and carries with her America's unchanging stereotypical slave branding of being a workhorse, a relentless reckoning force and a lawn jockey symbol of an employers success.
The employers great expectations built around slave perceptions permeates and is intricately interwoven into all aspects and categories of the black woman's work place and employment sectors. This holds true whether her work place sector is domestic, commercial or corporate.
Domestically the black woman is branded by the gentleman's agreement as the epitome of clean. The employers great expectations built around the gentleman's agreement is that no one cleans like the black woman. In domestic employment circles the black woman is branded and perceived by her employers as the workhorse of cleanliness.
The employers slave perceptions is that the black woman was born by design to clean, fuss and clean some more. The employers great expectations is that the black woman never tires and she never quits. The employers slave branding for black women is that: Her cleanliness is next to her Godliness.
America's work place branding, great expectations and perceptions tells them that nothing says five star hotel like seeing a black woman coming out of a hotel room with a cart, towel, broom, mop and pail.
Hotels feel justified in charging premium prices for their rooms because they know that when you lay your head and body down on the sheets and pillows that you will do so with the confidence and peace of mind knowing that a black woman cleaned your room.
Commercially employers in the work place brands the black woman as a fierce overseer that will protect, guard and ferociously adhere to every business rule, requirement and employee regulation without exception, compromise or fail.
The slave perception of great expectations from the employers mindset is that the black woman will relentlessly hold each and every customer accountable for her employers wishes.
If the black woman is instructed by her employer that there is an 3 cent charge for extra condiments the great expectation based upon the employers slave perception permits the employer to rest assured that the black woman will uphold employee instructions and not let not one customer have an extra pack of condiment for free.
The employers great expectation is that the black woman will relentlessly and steadfastly defend, guard and protect her employers cash register with her life before she will risk coming up 1 cent short at the end of her shift.
Corporately the employers great expectation based upon the slave mindset and perception brands the black woman as a lawn jockey status symbol.
A corporate employer can have the smallest, window-less office on the entire floor but if he has a black female secretary to meet and greet the clients, then as far as the clients are concerned the black woman's presence proves beyond a doubt that her employer must be doing something right.
Black secretaries throughout turbulent and uncertain times have always had job security. A corporate employer would rather fire his relatives and friends before ever considering getting rid of his black female secretary.
In the corporate arena if you don't have a black female secretary then you can't get away with billing your clients the extra premium like an employer would that does have a black female secretary.
A black female corporate secretary is the ultimate symbol that represents a corporations image of success.
Whether domestic, commercial or corporate black women have a common work place thread of slave commonality permanently interwoven and securely attached to her every movement.
The early bird that gets the worm but it is never no better for the worm.
For example:
Whether domestic, commercial or corporate any black woman in a conversation with 2 or more white employees is perceived by her employer as the superb example of work place diversity.
The same black woman huddled around 2 or more other black women in a conversation is perceived by her employer as a problem that can only be solved by giving them all more work to do.
A black woman with dependent children and no black man to sufficiently provide for her is in a work place catch 22, She is a slave to poverty if she quits her job and enslaved by the employers great expectations and slave branding if she remains on the job.
There can be no escape nor freedom for the black woman as long as the black woman must work for a living. Whether domestic, commercial or corporate the black woman's fate in the work place is forever sealed by the Gentleman's Agreement. The gentleman's agreement is what feed's and fuel America's great expectations of slave branding in the work place.
The Gentleman's Agreement virtually enslaves the black woman's life, liberty and pursuit of happiness without the possibility for parole.
Even the most basic grass root uneducated African American knows: "Free your mind and your fanny perpendicular will follow." The key to evolution, progress, substance and depth has and always will be governed by a persons mindset and perceptions.
Black woman do you want freedom from the Gentleman's Agreement?
Go to http://www.mubarakinter-prizes.com/ and get the plan and escape route to everlasting freedom. Read "Undercover Smart" then follow the freedom link trail to www.undercoversmart.com.
Once you reach http://www.undercoversmart.com/ download your freedom papers in the form of how-2-Jobs, moneymaking secrets, legal forms, business documents and fund raising opportunities.
Do for self and be eternally free!
Sincerely, Enoch Mubarak
Mubarak Inter-prizes