At the risk of sounding like a nay-sayer and doom-sayer may I remind us all that all the website referrals and book suggestions set forth are to no avail if African Americans are well known and well documented for our inability and desire to read books or throughly research reading material.
One of the most ardent and challenging aspects to the African American business culture is getting African Americans to read a book let alone buy a book. The majority of best selling black authors must first have their books sanctioned and promoted by white media and white readers before they become of any interest to African Americans.
I write to you from realtime experience because as a published author and CEO of Mubarak Inter-prizes I am on the front line of the African American intellectual reality.
The African American intellectual reality is that African Americans must be compelled beyond logic and reasoning to read because reading in and of itself merely for the sake of intellectual enhancement and personal edification is wholly insufficient to motivate African Americans to pick up a book and read it.
The expectation and requirement that African Americans should read is a deterrent to pursuing any business or professional endeavor where reading is a part of the process.
Mubarak Inter-prizes fully understand the dichotomy of African Americans and Mubarak Inter-prizes successfully and aggressively addresses the factual nature and culture of African Americans.
The factual nature and culture of African Americans is that African Americans need to see it before they believe it. They need to see it before they buy it.
The visual promotion of the product must compel the African American to buy before they will purchase the actual product. African Americans are 95% visual. For African Americans a picture is worth a thousand words.
If you were to visit our company website at: http://www.mubarakinter-prizes.com/ you will immediately notice that we promote and market to African American via pictures and illustrations because the majority of African Americans are compelled to purchase based on powerful visual advertisement and not paragraph after paragraph of reading.
Reading immediately causes African Americans to lose interest in your product or website.
African Americans will rather wait to see the movie before they will read the book that inspired the movie and maybe after seeing the movie they will then consider reading the book.
For the few African Americans that are reading their way through business and life are learning a hard lesson in economic race relations that go far deeper than the thin surface of diversity and positive thinking.
African American business owners are discovering that there is no escape from dealing with African Americans if you have any hopes about being a success without requiring European intervention.
African American business owners are discovering the hard and harsh reality that:
The European markets won't do business with African Americans unless we adhere to controlled supervision.
Unless African Americans speak fluent Spanish, or clearly understand Spanish culture, no African American business can survive in the Spanish markets.
African Americans won't do business with other African Americans to any sufficient degree that your talents, products, skills or business will sustain any real or lasting success.
All other cultural markets are also closed to African Americans.
The only option
The only option left open to African Americans is networking, but networking is useless without an infrastructure to connect our skills, talents or products to. Absent an infrastructure African American business owners are just drifting through space hoping to connect.
With no infrastructure African American networking is void of any real substance or depth. Mubarak Inter-Prizes is keenly aware of the African American dilemma and the glaring disregard for our inclusion in the 21st century global marketing equation.
African Americans need an infrastructure and Mubarak Inter-Prizes provides African Americans with an solid steel, high speed, high definition and rust resistant infrastructure.
At Mubarak Inter-Prizes we look at what we have going for us and not what we have coming against us.
Our expanded ad panels form picture perfect advertisements that compel African Americans to not only purchase items but also to display discipline, continuity and consistency of purpose.
As an African American business owner and member of the African American team Mubarak Inter-Prizes, through powerful, colorful and compelling ad advertisements is soliciting the courage and the commitment of African Americans to move as one unit to form the thrust powerful enough to penetrate the hardened resistance to our global inclusion in the 21st century business and marketing equation.
Mubarak Inter-prizes features more African Americans on our company website than you will find out of the millions of websites on the World Wide Web because no company loves the African American like Mubarak Inter-prizes.
We love you just the way you are.
Sincerely, Enoch Mubarak
President, CEO
Mubarak Inter-prizes