It has been my experience that having a job is overrated and being a mentor is a double edge sword. That is to say that on one side of the blade you want to improve and mentor the life of a young man but on the other side of the blade the young man is watching to see how you're putting it down.On one side of the blade you want your subject to listen to what you have to say but on the other side of the blade he's studying you to see if what you are telling him has helped you any.
I personally believe that mentoring is idealistic and artificial especially when you consider that some men spend their time telling a young man how to succeed in life while on their job they spend it taking orders from someone younger than them.
I believe that a true mentor has no story. A true mentor has no past and he has no future. A true mentor faces life as it reveals itself while men, young and old watch as he carves something out of nothing at all. A true mentor doesn't complain about how tough it is to be a man because he knows going in that it's tough to be a man.
Seeing is believing and until the black child and the black woman can witness with their own eyes the black man moving them up the food chain, there is no true mentoring......until now
I currently mentor men by impressing upon them the truth that, "if you have a vision you don't need a business plan." and that you don't have to shave your head bald in an effort to "go along just to get along."
I mentor by showing young brothers and men courage they have not seen before. I take them to my company web site at: http://www.mubarakinter-prizes.com/ and show them a black man that flipped his life.
I mentor young brothers by showing that they can be something other than drug dealers, politicians or ministers. I let them see for themselves what is possible to achieve without incurring massive debt, embarrassing credit enquirers or invasive background checks.
I tell them to forget about a job; start a business. I show black men how to make a job their business. I tell them and show them how I read and used the strategy of "Undercover Smart" to flip my life. I show them how they too can flip their lives and still be a man about it.
I tell the sisters with young men to get "Undercover Smart." They in turn pass the word to their girlfriends with young men that "Undercover Smart" is the book to get if you want to mentor a black man, score a few points with your son or reveal to a son, brother or husband your expectations of a man especially if he has already declared himself to be a man.
Very few black men will reach deep into their pockets to spend their last $10.00 on a book but, for "Undercover Smart they will spend their last $10.00.
I mentor by example. I mentor in real-time. I mentor without getting noticed and without making a sound. Any man that reads "Undercover Smart" will learn how to do it also.
To learn more go to : www.mubarakinter-prizes.com, click on Mlevel 2.(The return of Black power).
Sincerely, Enoch Mubarak
Mubarak Inter-prizes