Congress is preparing over 93 new Bills
benefiting homeowners in the next few years. Many targeted to minority
and low income homeowners. If you get nothing else from reading this
message understand a multitude of housing advocates continue to work
overtime to create more homeowners.
There are a number of reasons why fathers are
absent from their children’s lives, even though the one that garners
the most focus is the man being a proverbial "Deadbeat Dad," the father
who willfully neglects to pay his financial obligations.
Some phrases fall too quickly off of the lips of the masses. Take "Deadbeat Dad," for example. How many of us even bother to think
about other people who could be found "Deadbeat," aside from fathers?
Fathers should pay when they can. So should
mothers. So should society. Fathers can’t carry children in a womb, but
once a child is in the world, fathers can provide nurturing and support
to children in a way that is as necessary as the nurturing and support
a mother provides.
Some would say imbalance is part of the human condition. In a
competitive business environment -- which is to say, every business
environment — business building results require commitment, passion,
and, (to be blunt) a lot of time. For many the subject of work life
balance creates a blistering conversation rarely won by either side.
In addressing personal business, it is
important that we conduct an extensive skill-building inventory that
provides a clear image of the end results and a fairly detailed plan on
how to get there.
Torque is a physics term that refers to a moment of force where matter
and energy interact. In this context torque refers to the collision of
what really matters and our direction of energy.
No matter the profession, a shift in torque could yield the same
results recently enjoyed by Barack and his team.
The dangling question in 2006 as it will be in
the 2008 presidential election is can the GOP overcome its legacy of
racial contention and convince blacks that it offered more to black
America than the Democratic Party. One thing is certain the historical
love hate relationship between the GOP and blacks presents profound
possibilities and even more profound dilemmas for the GOP.