SpiritsMingle.com Hot

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(951) 389-4450
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Why SpiritsMingle.com?

Enough with the 'dating' sites that 'pack 'em in' and hope that somewhere in their membership haystack there's a “needle” for you ... and that you'll find that “needle”!

Here at SpiritsMingle.com, we just don't believe that merely having numbers will help you find that 'one number' for you. We try very hard to be different; after all, we're a "relationship" site.

Okay, so what's a "relationship" site, and how are we different?

First, we use one of the most widely used psychometric tests to pinpoint not only your own personal personality type, but then, with that information we make what we consider the best suggestions for someone with a personality type you can actually 'click' with.

We use one of the most widely used, and highly regarded psychometric testing and assessment protocols used extensively in fields as diverse as: team building, personal development, marriage counseling, leadership training and more! This is also the same testing utilized by a number of Fortune 500 corporations to fill their most sensitive Executive openings.

You make the choices, we help

Now, many dating and 'relationship' sites use tests as a way to help members identify potential 'matches'. But then, based on that testing, some may actually limit the people you'll have an opportunity to meet on their site!

Here at SpiritsMingle.com we don't believe that we should limit the people you will meet here based solely on a test --- not ours or anyone else’s.

You see, while we believe our testing and personality assessments can help you greatly enhance your chance to find a good relationship, we still believe that two mature individuals of any type can do the work required to create a meaningful and lasting relationship.

So for us another important factor in finding someone right for you is 'engagement'.


We considered the ways people learn about each other in the real world. In our worlds, we engage with others in multiple aspects of our lives: at work, in our neighborhood, at the market and more. Through various forms of communication and engagement we get to know one another, become friends and sometimes life partners.

SpiritsMingle.com strives to provide a number of ways for our members to 'engage' with each other, communicate safely, and 'get to know' one another.

We also offer an ever growing library of guidance and advice to help you learn more about your own personality type, other member’s personality types, and how this can impact your relationships, and your life!

So there you have it, the basics of how we see things, so why not join us and 'engage'!

SpiritsMingle.com - http://SpiritsMingle.com ‘Sometimes the path to a good relationship begins with a journey within.’


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