GOP presidential
candidate Mitt Romney has managed an incredible feat. In a Google search
of millions of references of his campaign speeches, interviews, and
his writings, I could not find a single word that he has written or spoken
about the greatest economic crisis that faces any of the nation’s
voter constituencies. That's the crisis of black unemployment. The release of
the June Bureau of Labor Statistics unemployment figures found that the
chronically high jobless numbers among blacks and the Great
Depression level jobless numbers among young black males jumped even higher.
In more than a dozen
major urban areas, nearly one out of four blacks is unemployed. This
continues the trend of the past few months in which the tepid down
tick of the jobless rate among blacks was decisively reversed. The
closest anyone in the Romney camp has come to acknowledging the severity of the
crisis is a terse, vague, and perfunctory statement from a black
Romney campaign advisor. She knocked the Obama administration for
allegedly not "talking about" black unemployment.
Romney will have his
chance to break his silence on the problem when he addresses the
NAACP’s annual conference July 12. If past Romney performance is
any guide, he'll almost certainly make his stock bromide pitch
that he'll grow jobs with massive corporate tax cuts,
sharply paring down regulations on business starting with repeal of the
Dodd-Frank financial regulatory reform, and by spurring, private not
government, initiatives. This supposedly will unleash the awesome power of
private industry to create thousands of new jobs that will lift all battered
ships; meaning for him that blacks will be major beneficiaries of this supposed
unfettered free market, private industry job surge.
Conservatives have not
changed this worn script for creating jobs for minorities since Reagan.
The only wrinkle to it has come from black conservatives who delight in
taunting civil rights leaders with the refrain, “what have the Democrats and
Obama done to end black’s economic misery?” Romney’s black advisor repeated
that line in defending Romney’s economic prescription for blacks. This is all,
of course, pure economic mythmaking that ignores too much history.
During the late 1990s
joblessness tumbled to its lowest levels in two decades. Help wanted signs were
everywhere. Deficit spending was not a major administration or Congressional
flashpoint issue since the government had a healthy budget surplus. There was
no wholesale flight of capital to off shore havens, and ballooning trade
deficits. Most important to the joy of conservatives, corporations and medium
sized businesses expanded and created tens of thousands of new jobs. Yet, the
unemployment rate for young black males was double–and just as the latest
jobless figures again shows in the major urban areas–triple that of white
males. Private industry did not wipe out the nagging racial gap in employment.
There’s no evidence that
anything has changed since then, and much evidence that it has worsened. The
major corporations and financial services industry has racked up record
profits, hoarded trillions in cash, and paid relatively low overall taxes. In
many cases, top corporations have paid no domestic corporate taxes. But those
profits have not led to even a trace of the massive job expansion that Romney’s
job prescription promises.
They won’t. And Romney
can’t and won’t even hint at the other causes for the black jobless
crisis. They include major slashes in
state and federal funds for job training and skills programs, the shrinkage in
the number of low and semi-skilled service and retail jobs, and the refusal of
many employers to hire those with criminal records. The high number of
miserably failing inner-city public schools also fuels the unemployment crisis.
They have turned thousands of blacks into educational cripples. These students
are desperately unequipped to handle the rapidly evolving and demanding
technical and professional skills in the public sector and the business world
of the 21st Century. The educational meltdown has seeped into the colleges.
According to an American Council of Education report, in the past decade Latino,
Asian, and black female student enrollment has soared while black male
enrollment has slowed down.
Then there’s
discrimination. The legion of federal and state anti-discrimination laws,
affirmative action programs and successful employment discrimination lawsuits
give the public the impression that job discrimination is a relic of a
shameful, racist past. However, countless studies on employment discrimination
still tell a damning story of subtle and blatant discrimination especially in
management and supervisory hiring and promotions in corporate industry.
The Congressional Black Caucus reports that at least half of all unemployed
black workers have been out of work for a year or more. Many have given up
looking for work. The Census does not count them among the unemployed.
The black unemployed like
the poor have no powerful advocacy groups and are mostly nameless and faceless.
They make-up no defined constituency that Romney can court and bank on to vote
for him in any numbers. The NAACP is certainly not the place where he’d find
those votes. His prescription for knocking down black joblessness then is more
than failed and flawed. It’s disastrous, but that’s not what the NAACP and
blacks would ever hear from him.
Earl Ofari Hutchinson is
an author and political analyst. He is a frequent political commentator on
MSNBC and a weekly co-host of the Al Sharpton Show on American Urban Radio
Network. He is the author of How Obama
Governed: The Year of Crisis and Challenge. He is an associate editor of
New America Media. He is the host of the weekly Hutchinson Report on KPFK-Radio
and the Pacifica Network.
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