My Nutrition Store - Sean D. Hot

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My Nutrition Store - Sean D.

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My online fitness and nutrition portal has opened for business, changing forever the distribution model for dietary supplements and functional foods. I am an independent store owner which allows me to deliver great products and nutrition advice. We harness technology to offer customers the most extensive free data base of clinical test information on the internet. My "virtual reality website uses web 2.0 technology which allows me to create my own personalized storefront just like you could a Myspace or Facebook page. I have even published on my blog about nutrition advice with links to information in my store just like I do here. Our professional grade nutritional fods and supplements won't be found in retail stores. Doctors from all over the U.S. including Dr Gregory Wolf, the founder of the Center for Transformational Medicine have endorsed the incorporation of nutraceutical therapy as a foundation for overall wellness. My online nutrition store provides free health and wellness counseling to the public via my extensive library and exceptional products.


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