Transworld Systems - Yolanda Spence, Ind. Contractor

Transworld Systems - Yolanda Spence, Ind. Contractor Hot

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Location & Contact Information

Phone Number
United States
810 Hester Crossing
Postal Code

We are redefining the collection industry by providing businesses with better tools for recovering bad debt and past due accounts for an average of less than $10 per account. . We've been proving it to our customers - from Fortune 500 companies to small businesses - since 1970.

As the alternative to traditional collection agencies, we achieved a success rate more than four times the industry average and recovered more than $2.4 billion in the last five years.

Discover the benefits of GreenFlag Profit Recovery today.

  • Net More Money - No percentages - clients receive 100% of recovered $$$.
  • Retain Control - 24/7 web access to manage all accounts in "real time"
  • Reduce Costs - Free up staff
  • Pay Less - Just a flat fee - averaging $10 per account - regardless of balance
  • Recover More - Early 3rd party intervention motivates increased payments
Contact me directly at the phone number listed below.


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