51 Alternatives to GOOGLE Adsense

Maybe you're not seeing an adequate return on your Adsense ads and want to see whether you can do BETTER with something other Adsense? Chneck out this list and see if they are actually cheaper thanGoogle. I added a few links at the end so check it out.

1- AffiliateSensor             

2- AllFeeds

3- AzoogleAds

4- BidClix

5- Bidvertiser

6- Buds Media Network

7- Burst Media

8- Casale Media

9- Chitika eMiniMalls

10- Claxon

11- Clickcent

12- Clicksor

13- ContextCash

14- ContextClick

15- contextWeb ContextAd

16- DynamiContext (Kontera)

17- Enhance Interactive

18- Fastclick

19- Hurricane Digital Media

20- Kanoodle Bright Ads

21- Mamma Media Solutions

22- MIVA AdRevenue Xpress

23- Nixie

24- Quigo AdSonar

25- RealCast Media

26- RealTechNetwork

27- Revenue Pilot

28- Right Media

29- Searchfeed

30- TargetPoint

31- Traffic Marketplace

32- Tribal Fusion

33- ValueClick

34- Veoda

25- Vibrant Media IntelliTXT & SmartAds

26- Yahoo Publisher Network

37- AdBrite

38- adagency1

39- Advertising.com

40- Affiliate Sensor

41- AllFeeds

42- AzoogleAds

43- BidClix

44- Bidvertiser   

45- Buds Media  

46- Burst! Media

47- Casale Media 

48- Chitika eMiniMalls  

48- Claxon 

49- Clickcent

50- Clicksor  

51- ContextCash