Build Goodwill-From Now On

As the traditional American "Holiday Season" approaches, many businesses enter into an equally traditional season of Goodwill Building. What is it, you ask? A good question, let's have a look.

First of all, no business can exist without a customer base; the stronger the better. It is a very competitive world and nowhere is this more noticed than among small businesses and especially among ones that are the same or similar.

While there is the thought that enough prospective customers exist for every business to get their fair share, no sane business owner relies on fairness. Competitive pricing and customer perks, rule this fray. Business success is driven by; Customer acquisition, Customer Satisfaction and Customer loyalty, which equates to repeat buying and 3rd party referrals.

Businesses, and especially small ones, where the owner(s) are engaged in day-to-day operation do not have the luxury of being up close  and personal with each customer. They also cannot afford to give the illusion that they are any less grateful to their loyal customers.

The solution many small businesses use is to show their customers gratitude during the holiday season which is the period between Thanksgiving and the New Year. While this tradition runs the gamut of “cutesy” ideas, usually consisting of parties and the giving of imprinted small gifts of imprinted Advertising Specialties.

The leading Specialty Item, for the season is the printed Calendar. The Calendar carries the business name and other pertinent contact information and is relevant and prominently displayed for an entire 365 day “calendar” year. In addition to the traditional wall hanger; The Calendar can also be configured as a Pocket Planner, a desk top model or as a back for a business card. Next to the Calendar in popularity, is the ballpoint pen which is also a carrier of pertinent information about a particular business.

Specialty items range from A to Z in terms of what or which one and is quite vast and numbers well over 100 thousand. With an equally diverse price range, the Advertising Specialty should always be considered as an adequate Goodwill Builder whether given by itself or as part of a larger multi-layered advertising campaign. Most Advertising Specialty Salespersons are knowledgeable and have access to vast resources to help you incorporate specialty items into your Advertising campaign.

For Industry information Click here> Advertising Specialties. Also ask about income information if you are seeking a business to affiliate with that has good earnings potential.

Until next time;

Olson ‘MrCorn’ Rogers