How to Create High Selling Promotional Videos-The #1 most popular way to promote your business

Promote your Product, Business or Service the easy way through Video Marketing



Fellow Internet Marketers and Advertisers,


Are you exhausting all your possibilities to successfully promote your product or business? Are your advertising efforts being wasted? If so,

Video advertisement is becoming the #1 method of advertising and promoting products or services. Conventional websites are not enough these days to get your message out in front of your target audience. If you do not have the possibility to promote your product or service through video marketing, then you are missing out on one of the main vehicles for promoting your business that I know of.

One of the reason that many marketers go to Youtube for instance to broadcast and advertise their business to prospective customers on the net is because they can upload their videos for free.

If you are a business owner and have been in business for some times now, then you know that you have to at one point or another, spend some money on advertisement.

You can take the expensive route or the inexpensive route whichever you choose, YOU WILL HAVE TO SPEND SOME MONEY! You can’t get around this, sure I could give you off my head 30-40 companies where you can post information for free-just remember one thing FREE is not always good.

I’m going to tell you how to create your own fabulous business promotional video to use in your marketing and advertising strategy that is not expensive to create and will surely increase visitors to your site, and help you sell whatever it is that you are selling.  

So which will it be for you?

  • A $49-$199 monthly membership fee or more to use this type technology,
  • Download free software from the Internet
  • or purchase a system for $49 or so and be done with it?

If you have your own Video creating and editing software it’s better, with free downloads, many times it’s only a trial version and to use it properly to upload your video to the Internet you have to purchase the product.

Since the introduction of the Camtasia Studio into marketing and advertising most marketers are well award of the fact that in the future it will be virtually impossible to even think about marketing a product or service without using some type of video in their marketing plans, but many either can’t really afford it or not aware of the benefits it brings.

Many people use Youtube and other such sites to upload their video on the Internet whether for advertising, just for fun, or to promote their business or service. But they are at least aware of the possibilities.

There are video recoding systems that you can purchase inexpensively to create and record a slide show or camtasia type video and upload it on the Internet to market your product or service.

Personally I have 2 systems that I use Pinnacle Systems and Muvee systems. Their products are very good and inexpensive, you can get the Studio 12 version  for only $49.99 which is a great price, and believe me it’s worth every penny  because you can do so much with it, such as voice over, upload back ground  music, pics and many different visual effects and audio effects. With this system you have a wider perspective due to the many different visual effects settings to make your video exciting, different and to help you sell your product or promote your business.

Here are some search terms that you might want to use when searching for quality video systems.

Home Video Editing Software, Editing Software, DVD Editing Software, Studio Advanced Video Solutions, Studio Video Solutions, Digital Video Editing Software, Video Editing, Video Editing Software, Studio Plus Titanium Edition, Pinnacle, Pinnacle Systems, Pinnacle Studio Plus, muvee, Studio Plus, Liquid Edition, Media Suite, Studio Media Suite, Studio Media Suite Titanium Edition


Don’t forget that video marketing is the future of online marketing and advertising and will play a vital roll in the success or failure of your online business.

Direct promotion is the best way to promote any product, by that I mean through Video, Camtasia, or sales letters with these elements in them. Sure you can promote your business using Adwords, article writing, Adsense etc. but the most direct and effective way is when you can speak directly to your target audience either through a video, Camtasia or slide show.

So lets check out some easy ways to create a great video for you that you can upload no the Internet and promote your business product or service.

Webcams are not expensive, and is a popular way to make recordings. Many people use them and some are very good. Have you ever considered using recordings from your webcam to promote your business? Many marketers do this. If you own a webcam then you are in a good position to create a video and upload it to the Internet Youtube, Myspace, your sales letter etc. to help market and sell your product or service. But still many people are unaware of the benefits that it can bring.

If you want to make a better impression on your audience, try to use a background that is a neutral colour, light beige or white.

You already have a camera on your webcam so all you need to do is purchase a microphone for your computer. You don’t need to purchase an expensive microphone, one that costs between $10-$15 will be adequate. I would try to make my video as professional as possible, dress well and use good diction.


Slideshow (Cantasia)- we all know how to paste pictures to make a slide show of our family reunion, picnics, vacation, kids or you name it. Slide shows are great, easy to create and will give you that edge over your competition if you use it right.

If you are recording a camtasia type video,(pics, voice over) you can use images form your product or service in conjunction with voice over.

There are many great systems that you can use for making Camtasia type videos to market your business product or service, all you need are pictures of the product, your business or whatever you are promoting. And if you have a little experience with Photo Shop then you can add images with text upload them as pics and use them in your video and advertising plans.

Personal Video/Camcorder Many people already have video cameras and they are a great source to create a live video for business purposes and use them in different ways. So why not use your camera to record a message for your target audience, and then upload it to the Internet.

Here’s how to do it. When you record your message, your video should be between 5-9 minutes long, more than 9 minutes and you will probably have to get special permission to upload your video. I would suggest that your video be not more than 5 minutes long-people want quick and easy to understand information, so make it short and sweet.

If you can’t afford a video camera or camcorder  or  have no webcam to make a live video,  but can afford to pay a one time $49.99  fee for the software, I would say that your best bet, even over purchasing a webcam,  would be to  use a recording systems such  as Pinnacle  Systems or Muvee 6 or 8 where you can make a  successful recording with voice over, music and great visual effects-totally professional. All you  need is a microphone.



If you want to use background music, would suggest using music that is not too aggressive (unless the product calls for it). Use voice over and images to create a business like Camtasia to promote your business product or service.

If you are recording a slide show or Camtasia follow these simple steps to make your recording easier.

 1-choose and lay your music track

2-add your images

3-add voice over--remember that you have to write the text for your voice over to fit the length of the music, that’s why if you have music you should lay this track first.

Once you have your video finished upload it to the Internet. Depending on the type of video that you record, you will probably need to convert it before you can upload it-- just type in the Google search “download free video converter” and get free software that will allow you to convert your video into AVI, MP3,WAV, or to whatever format you want.

Take your video (if need be) convert it. Place it into your Sales letter, (or have someone do it for you) on your websites, pitch page, and upload it no the net. If you have been marketing for any length of time now, then you know the value of a sales letter, landing page, pitch page, or squeeze page.

If you are making a video for the first time, you have to make sure that the amount of pics does not exceed the length of the music. If so then you have to cut some of your pics. I would suggest that the first and the last pics be images of your business product or service.

So now that you have created your promotional video you will need to promote it, that means sending traffic to it. So how will you do this? You go to Youtube and upload your video on the Internet free of charge and tell all your friends and business associates to visit your video on Youtube, myspace or wherever.

But in most cases in order to advertise your product or service on any of the different social networks around, you have to sign up for their advertising program, and depending on the network, this could prove costly, so choose wisely. Or join a network which will allow you to conduct your business in this fashion.

Once you have done all of these things, drive free traffic to your product through free article, advertising and PR sites and place a link back to your sales letter or buy now link and watch your profits grow.

The best thing would be to have a website where you can place your video, and then place a link from Youtube or wherever back to your site where your visitors can purchase your product or service.

If you can’t afford this type technology that’s ok, because most website owners can’t, it’s very expensive(that’s why most go to youtube). But that would be the ideal combination, after recording your video to send them to your website to purchase your product.

If you don’t have your own website, try joining a network that will allow you to conduct your business 24/7, inexpensive but flexible enough to give you the support that you need and that you can use to promote your product or service.

These are only a few ideas to get you going and thinking about your future business activities. As I have said many times before and all affiliate marketers say this--the use of video and Camtasia in marketing and advertising will continue to grow in the future and the success of your online business will highly depend on it, and if you are not using video marketing in your advertising program you are missing out on at least 50% of your selling potential.

So, that about raps it up for How to Create  High Selling Promotional Videos. I hope that this information will be useful and informative to you.

Remember, one of my main motivations for releasing this information in the first place was to inform people about different online survey scams which are offered on the Internet.