It's Your Life

You were gifted this life by the creator.  It is yours to do with whatever you please.  You can choose good or bad.  You have the option to choose life or death.  You are able to decide what you do and what you accomplish.  It is even your option to decide to spend your gift doing absolutely nothing.  You are the only one who can decide to be happy, to be successful, to remain depressed, or to be a failure.  You are in charge of being the victim or the victor. 

I challenge you to choose well, to live your life to its fullest, to use your gift as a valuable tool for inspiring and helping others.  I challenge you to choose confidence over self doubt.  I invite you to choose optimism over worry.  I encourage you to choose enthusiasm over anxiety.  Use your tongue to speak life to yourself and others.  Move into the mainstream of life.  Know what you want out of life and go for it.  Give up loneliness and build great new healthy relationships.  Get out of the rut of a boring and stressful job and lauch a promising new career or home business for yourself.  Take care of yourself and look as good as you feel. 

Make God glad that he gave you the gift of life!