
Did you know if your bank account has been tapped into by a thief the bank will give the appearance of quickly fixing the problem by replacing the money and moving on, or in some cases close down your account altogether and send you on your way because they know once you have been a victim of ID Theft your chances are good for it happening again, you are now seen as a liability.

Either way the problem is not really resolved, just smoothed over, you got your money back and everyone is happy, right- No Wrong. There is still the issue of who has your information that gave them access to your account in the first place and what else is being done in your good name that you don't know about?

How would you go about finding the answer to this troubling question? Here is your answer:

Life Event Legal Plan & Identity Theft Shield → Learn More

The best protection is to have a suite of solid products in place to deal with all issues concerning ID Theft in all five areas right down to having quality lawyers and complete restoration of your identity all in one package.

Please keep in mind no identity theft program is going to ensure you will never become a victim simply because you can get the immediate issue cleared up and get your good name restored. More issue can arise Months or even years down the road-this is a part what makes ID Theft so insidious and unsettling.

Put your plan of action in place-fight back! I can help, call us...

In Kiplinger's April 2008 Issues, Christine Nielkson, assistant attorney general in the Illinois consumer-fraud bureau says " Make sure the policy helps resolve medical, criminal and employment related issues-in addition to dealing with lenders-and addresses the expense of hiring a lawyer if necessary. That's what you want the insurance to cover"

For more information, call us toll-free  24/7 @ 866.485.737.

Luther Thompson, Jr.
Atlanta, Georgia
Voice mail: 866.485.7373
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web: http://www.prepaidlegal.com/idt/lutherthompsonjr