"Yes We Can" -- My New Reality?

The Presidential election campaign of 2008 was a historical event that filled most supporters with enthusiasm -- built around the theme, "Yes We Can."

In 2012, the pundits are talking about the enthusiasm gap among Obama supporters, and much of Mitt Romney's recent momentum is attributed to lower enthusiasm on the part of Obama supporters.  In the wake of slow economic recovery, some African American supporters are asking, "Is this my new reality?"

Those who are disappointed with the outcomes of the past four years have turned to the President and asked why we continue to suffer disproportionately, why gaps in achievement persist, why we lag in the economic recovery? Some turn to the President and ask why he hasn't done more, as if he said, "Yes I can."

Here is what I have learned from the mid-term losses in 2010, the surge of the Tea Party, and the close contest in 2012.  If we don't continue to work to sustain the gains we have made, we will lose them to the opposition. What we now know is that we cannot just hope for change.  All of us must work for the change we desire.
There is little that the President can do alone without our continued support at all levels to elect representatives that support our issues. Support for President Obama's opposition was up in 2010, but Black support for elected officials was down in 2010. That is one of the reasons why the Democrats lost control of the House of Representatives in 2010.  We didn't show up when it counted.
So, here we are at the point of action in 2012.  We need to match or exceed the support we demonstrated in 2008, even for candidates down the ticket.  That is the way we forge a better new reality.  The alternative is not acceptable.
Vote early if you can, and make sure that every eligible voter you know also votes. They have more money, but we have the votes to win if we show up. The lesson we should have learned is that the President cannot succeed alone.  We only succeed together -- "Yes We Can."