Give Thanks in the Spirit of Ubuntu -- Happy Thanksgiving! "UBUNTU, how can one of us be happy if all the other ones are sad?"
Empowerment Season! Businesses and shoppers are invited to join us to explore iZania Market -- the Black Online Niche Market for empowered shoppers.
Empower Your Gift Giving... with "Content of Character" eBook Today, we are highlighting a new business that uniquely reflects our culture and our progress toward empowerment.
Empowerment Season -- Let's Create a Black Niche Market Online We are creating a "Black Niche Market" Online at iZania Market Deals.
Black Economic Empowerment: Dare to Be Great This is an entrepreneur who dares to be great. And she guarantees results!
Empowerment of Black Entrepreneurs: If You See Something, Say Something We need to launch our on viral word of mouth campaign to spread the news about great success stories like this.
What is Success? -- Only Too Much Is Enough! We should never stop learning; never stop sharing; never stop caring for those less fortunate; never stop striving for excellence.