Over the past few weeks many of the social media networks have made radical changes. Not to be left out and just in time for spring Facebook has announced as of March 30th your business page will automatically convert to the new Timeline format.
If you want cost effective strategies on how to increase marketing and on driving traffic to your website, use social media. However there are reasons why you can no longer ignore Google+ and reasons for not using Twitter for business making it hard to decide which social media network to use.
Ready or Not
Well, ready or not changes are coming to your Facebook business page with the new Timeline. Want a competitive edge? Take a look at these 5 Do's and 5 Don'ts:
- Add a cover photo - The first thing people see when they visit your Facebook business page is the cover photo, so choose wisely...
- Pin a post - A new feature which allows you to highlight and "pin" a post...
- Star a post - Another new feature which allows you to highlight and "star" a post...Use this new feature to emphasize a post to help drive traffic to your website.
- Add more photos to your post - We love visuals, so select your best pictures to create a more engaging experience on your page...
- Add milestones - This is probably the best new feature to help generate more online business and for driving traffic to your website...
Click here to Read more... (especially the Don'ts)
Consider today's article a mini lesson to teach you "5 Do's and 5 Don'ts To Unleash Your Facebook Timeline Competitive Edge". This is your chance to do a spring spruce up on your Facebook page before it automatically goes live at the end of the month. Have fun!
Remember... K.I.S.S. - Keep It Simple (but) Savvy