Cirque du Soleil: where problem solving begins with
imagination. Cirque du Soleil isn't a circus, it's a global
entertainment company. Although they perform under some of the most
rigorous physical conditions, they continue to push the experience
level for the attendee. What they are setting out to do is create an
environment for that type of creative person as Harvard Business School
is regarded to businesspeople. Interview day can be a circus like
event, chaotic, fast paced and prone to a hiccup.
Nowadays even the rookie is expected to bring
leadership qualities to the team. Many organizations are forgoing the
30-day pass, preferring to identify those capable of hitting the door
ramped up and ready.
People make decisions based on comfort level,
trust and perception. Re-focus so that your interactions with others
creates lasting business relationships that are mutually beneficial.
The outcomes include opportunities for repeat business, referrals, new
partners and new opportunity.
It is great that you started a business because
you are “good at something,” but that does not mean “if you build it,
they will come.” Take a moment to re-examine how and why your products
and services add value to your clients. The benefits include increased
sanity, increased clients and increased profits.
There’s always a new way to think; a new way to
look at an old situation; a new twist on an old approach. Perspective
provides a different view for a better you.
Having a new life perspective will brighten your path to self-exploration and discovery. With clarity of perspective you can begin to understand and relate in a
truer sense. It will allow an innovation of thought to emerge from
As a coach, I find that the mindset of the
entrepreneur makes the difference. Specifically, the way that
entrepreneurs look at situations, literally whether they view the
situation as a problem or opportunity, shapes the outcome of the
Understanding the importance of relationships
is key to attracting African-American buyers online. Here are a few
practical tips to getting Black customers to buy more from your Web