01 Nov 5th Year Anniversary...My Hair Journey

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When I was about 20 years old, I suffered from devastating hair loss from bonding glue. Within 2 days of using it, my scalp started to itch and my hair started to fall out until I had a bald spot the size of a tennis ball in the top of my head; I also suffered severe breakage and thinning throughout my entire head.  After that experience I became obsessed with finding something, anything that would grow my hair back.

After a few months of watching and waiting it was obvious to me that I would have to take action. So the research began; I read hundreds of articles, tried thousands of products, went to several doctors and had a couple procedures that all left me frustrated. For several years, I battled this hair loss and I will admit I had very small victories along the way, but not nearly enough to satisfy me.

After coming across an article that indicated my lingering issues could be related to continuously relaxing my hair, I decided to stop relaxing it for a year to allow my follicles to heal. This was one of the hardest decisions I had ever made. See, I was really addicted to relaxing my hair. Straight hair meant acceptance, beauty and comfort. The idea of going without a relaxer was scary and it took me 2 additional years of damage to wrap my mind around the idea.

In those two years of contemplating going natural, I decided to ramp my hair care up to the fullest, because I just couldn't fathom life without a relaxer. I started making my own hair care concoctions and cared for my hair like a new born baby.  The consistent TLC led my hair to thrive more than it had ever thrived before; it was thicker and longer and healthier everywhere, except in one spot! I still suffered from severe thinning in the crown of my head. Although I could disguise it very well, I knew it was there and I desperately wanted it to grow.

Finally in 2004, I made the painful decision to not relax my hair for a full year.  I knew that it wasn't going to be easy, so I continued to do research on how to care for the hair in two textures. I decided the easiest way to go for such a long time without a relaxer was to do braid extensions. I continued to make sure that my braids continued to receive the TLC and my hair grew leaps and bounds while I wore the extensions. After 3 sets of braids in six months, my newgrowth was tremendous; feeling and seeing this much new growth made me curious; I started to wonder how my hair would look and feel completely natural.  

Curiosity got the best of me, so I cut off all of the relaxer in a small section of my hair and I instantly fell in love with the texture. I wanted to see how my entire head looked in all of its natural glory. So I started cutting all over and before I knew it, I was completely natural   . When I looked into the mirror, I felt liberated, excited and confused all at once. Now I faced the challenge of styling my hair and this is when I realized how amazing Sweet Nature by Eddie was (Picture is of actual first style EVER natural)! I had no idea how the concoction would work on natural hair, but this experiment proved to be so successful. Don't forget, SNBE is also EXCELLENT for relaxed hair.

In November 2007, after being encouraged by many people, I birthed Sweet Nature by Eddie was born and Wisdom was my first product to ever sale!    

Thanks so much for your support and encouragement over the last 5 years! I am still iln we with this amazing journey and so grateful that you allowed me to be a part of YOUR journey! So...for the next week, enjoy 20% off of the ENTIRE site. www.sweetnaturebyeddie.info

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55