17 Nov Acts 28:1-10 .. Helping One Another

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Sunday School Lesson for 11/18/2012. Unit III. Where Does Faith Take Us? Acts 28:1-10.

Paul was on his mission taking the Gospel where it had never been.

Helping Survivors After the Storm - Acts 28:1-2

Melita - an island, now called Malta, 60 miles south of Sicily.

barbarous - foreign speaking people.

The people of Malta weren't originally Christians. They did show hospitality to Paul and others.

You never know where help will come from.

Helping Others in Spite of Superstition - Acts 28:3-6

viper - poisonous serpents ... (Do not play/pick up snakes)

Luke 10:19 - Sacred Person & Offices, Apostles, The Twelve, Prerogatives, To Work Miracles

Helping Others in Sickness - Acts 28:7-10

Publius - leading citizen/most prominent on the island of Malta in the Mediterranean. He provided lodging to Paul and his companions after they had been shipwrecked.

Some people of faith, question their faith when they are not healed, when others are.

James 5:14,15 - Sacred Persons and Offices, Presbyter - Bishop (Elders), Ministering to the Sick. Duties to God, Prayer, Conditions of Acceptable Prayer, In Faith
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55