29 Jan Gaining the Price .. 1/27/2013

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Sunday School Lesson for 1/27/2013. Unit II. Exalting Christ. Gaining the Prize. Philippians 3:12-16.

Philippians 3:12-16 … Paul, past and present (Warning Digression)

What motivates us to press toward a goal?

Philippians 3:12,13,14 … Man Redeemed; Duties and Graces of The New Life; Perfection, Absolute Perfection Not Found

verses 12,14 … rules for running the Christian race

On earth, no believer/Christian will reach spiritual perfection. Paul’s example for us/christians is to continue to press for the goal – Heaven.

Like the apostle Paul, we must strive to make peace with our past and move forward.

Paul’s prize, as well as believer’s prize is imperishable. Our prize is more valuable than runners in a game/contest.

Philippians 3:15a … Man Redeemed; Blessedness of the New Life; Growth in Grace

Christians/believers have been made righteous before God; but we still have sinful natures. Believers/christians have no excuse to live as we please – even though we will never reach perfection on earth. When we sin, we should confess/repent to Jesus, whose blood cleanses us and returns us back to our positions of perfection. We will be pressing for spiritual perfection until Jesus presents us faultless before HIS Father in Heaven.

Philippians 3:15b-16 …. Man Redeemed; Blessedness of The New Life; Growth in Grace

Christians/believers should have the same mind/attitude; this is what the apostle Paul was telling the Church at Philippi.

Christians have different levels of spiritual maturity. We should be focused on being more like Christ each day, anticipating His second coming – this is when Christians will become like Christ (Glorification – Romans 8:30).

Believers are not to take credit for their accomplishments, but give God the Glory. (Matthew 5:45)

Matthew 5:45 … Works of God; God’s Providence Among Men; Sends Good & Evil to Good & Bad Alike…… God; Attributes of God As Person; God’s Goodness.

This lesson only has four verses but there were many Scriptures within the lesson that I read, studied and wrote notes on. Since it was so lengthy I have not shared it online but would gladly share if requested next week.

Scripture reference used/taken from: KJV Topical Reference Bible & Zondervan Bible Commentary

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55