15 May Are You Aiding and Abetting for Publicity?

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In legal terms, "aiding and abetting" generally means to somehow assist in the commission of a crime, or to be an accomplice. It involves a plan to commit a crime.

In the world of PUBLICITY, aiding and abetting means assisting someone in their attempt to get the word out about their business, product or service. So who have you aided and abetted with lately?

We all know publicity is a great way to maximize awareness and to reach thousands of people. Most people seeking media exposure turn to press releases-hoping the right eyes will see and take interest in what they're doing or what they have to offer. Others use social media as a platform to get the word out. Flyers and word-of-mouth are some of the old-fashioned ways that still work.

Other ways to assist others with their publicity:

1) Write a blog post about their business if you have first hand knowledge. Write a blog post about them-about their character and why the your readers would benefit from what they have to offer.

2) Write a testimonial and give it to them to place it on their website or blog.

3) Re-Tweet their message when t shows up in your Twitter stream or share their Facebook post on your own FB page.

Aiding and abetting someone with their PR efforts can be valuable for the person receiving the publicity and it can also be beneficial to you. It shows you are about the business of supporting others with their own business goals. It shows you are not threatened by someone else's success and that you are actually encouraging them to succeed. You are also demonstrating to your own circle of friends that you are willing to support them.

So the next time you see a friend or business associate posting an event, book or product for sale, why not step up by aiding and abetting them in the commission of their PR.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55