10 Apr BlackWomenStandUp.com Launches Love Your Va-Jay-Jay Day...

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BlackWomenStandUp.com Launches

Love Your Va-Jay-Jay Day

April 10, 2014

A Cancer Awareness Initiative Encouraging Women to #CheckUpOnIt

In Recognition of Cancer Control & National Minority Health Month


New York, NY- April 9, 2014- On Thursday, April 10th 2014 in recognition of Cancer Control and National Minority Health Month, BlackWomenStandUp.com is launching Love Your Va-Jay-Jay Day.  A Cancer Awareness Initiative focusing on Uterine Cancer and other gynecological cancers that affect women.   Love Your Va-Jay-Jay Day is a call-to-action encouraging women to stay on top of their health and support the initiative by using the hash tag #CheckUpOnIt in response to the day.  Visit http://BlackWomenStandUp.com  on April 10th for information surrounding cancer prevention, and to share what you will be doing to #CheckUpOnIt, which will be an annual initiative.


The goal is to encourage all women who are cancer free to #CheckUpOnit by making an appointment with their GYN, perform self-breast exams, discuss their family medical history and receive life-saving tips relevant to cancer awareness and prevention.  Moreover Love Your Va-Jay-Jay Day celebrates the lives of cancer survivors as well as honoring the women that have lost their lives to this vicious disease.  Help save a life by spreading the word to your family, friends and social networks by asking them how they plan to #CheckUpOnIt.


BlackWomenStandUp.com Co-founder Tiffany Braxton had this to say about Love Your Va-Jay-Jay Day, “this is personal to me because I lost my mother, Coretha Braxton to Uterine Cancer on April 10, 2013, and I wanted to honor her.  This is my way of keeping her legacy alive and helping to save lives in the process.”  BlackWomenStandUp.com will have a page dedicated to those who have passed on, and for those who are survivors; if you want to honor a love one please send in their photograph with their name, along with your name and message to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


BlackWomenStandUp.com (BWSU) is the vision of Tiffany Braxton and Alexandra Lutchman, it is a Movement/Community designed to Empower Women in all areas of their lives and to Stand-Up for Love.  BWSU is currently running a T-Shirt Fundraiser Campaign in support of their work surrounding cancer awareness, for more information or to purchase a t-shirt please visit http://Booster.com/BlackWomenStandUp.


 For more information or media inquiries contact Sherice at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55