17 May Little Black Boys in the Public Schools Systems

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Every parent knows the nature of his/her/their child . . .

Recently, I've been an alert, active, involved and intervening child for my child in the areas of education, extracurricular, voluntary, social and behavioral situations in his school.

As an African American parent, I wonder if it is me that is seeing the results of interest, involvement and parental participation being unwelcomed by faculty and staff?  Has anyone listen to a situation that your child explained to you one way and the faculty explain it in a completely different light?  Did you find that it was your child telling you the truth and the staff member lying?

Well, these are just a few of the concerns I plan to share and discuss on this blog.  Has your child had a bully and was not protected by faculty?  If so, single moms what advise/intervention did you provide for your child?  Was he/she confused with how to react? Confused on how he/she would respond?

Did you find a resolution to conflict of any kind?  Did it leave you feeling that public school isn't to be trusted?  School staff untrustworthy?

I need some sleep but I will come back to touch on these topics . . .

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55