20 May NYPD shoots another unarmed black man!

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The NYPD own rules stipulate that officers are trained not to fire at moving vehicles unless there's an additional threat, such as a weapon. If that's the case then why is a black man, Fermin Arzu now dead after being involved in a car accident in the Bronx? I know that the MAJORITY of NYPD officers are good people that do a thankless job but I'm sorry there's a problem when it's only black men being killed in these "isolated" incidents. Considering the thousands of stops the NYPD does a year you have to ask yourself why no white or Asian people are victims of police shootings?. I think it's time for the Feds to come take a good hard look at not just the training these officers receive but to take a good hard look at a police culture that makes these cops more likely to kill a black man. Read more on the latest police shooting by clicking the link below:


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55