03 Jul She is...Empowering Our Daughters

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Find out we are doing at Empower A Child

 …She is… will be fabulous and informative.

She is…

...is a blog page being developed especifically for young girls age 10-17.   Topics of discussion are designed to empower our minds  and strength us so that we can  continue to walk and talk with Christ-like behavior and thoughts, doubting nothing. 

 In the near future…She is… will provide two additional services to girls.

1.       On-line Girl’s Club will offer a $8.95  membership package  which will include special tips designed to strength our walk as servants of the King.  The girls club will host on-line workshops on fashion,  overcoming family challenges, health and wellness, personal care, relationships, building your confidence, and more.  The $8.95 monthly membership will also make available special membership gifts. to all members along with 3 personalized Ebooks will include  self-esteem, personal care, and building good relationships. 
( $107.40 per year or $97.50 if paid annually)

2.     SuperStar Readers is a $8.95 per month on-line book club which includes a monthly newsletter, 20% discount on the  book of the month, podcast study skills and writing skills workshops,  special memberships gifts, and 3 Ebooks will include setting goals, time management, and increasing your apptitude.  ( $107.40 per year or $97.50 annual discounted cost)

She is... will help to empower you to make the most of your life! 
I am a princess because I am a daughter of the King of Kings, and so are you! 

per month for both memberships
$214.80 yearly cost for both clubs, but
Both clubs $175 per year when paid annually

Get ready for your daughter's membership!

This week's blog, July 1, 2007...She is...

She is bravery. She is defined by her own rules. She is phenomenal. She is beautiful. She is love. She is peace. She is the standard. She is loyal. She is precious. She is honest. She is valued.

She is not jealousy. She is not catty. She is not negative. She is not cheap. She is not disrespectful or disrespected. She is not common.

There are many things and people present in the world that will work to break you down. The worst thing you can do is help them. Within these words, within these pages, my only hope is that you find something to help you define yourself. My hope is that within this union of "She Is Superstars", you discover the courage to be the beautiful individual you were intended to be.

We don’t have to love the same music, we don’t have to love the same movies, we don’t have to love the same clothes, we don’t have to love the same boys, we don’t have to love the same food, and we don’t even have to love the same types of people. We only have to love ourselves. When we love ourselves, we can allow the people around us to be themselves. We can embrace diversity in our lives because we know that people don’t have to be exactly like us and we don’t have to be exactly like anyone else.

I have a confession, I’m 23 years old and I like High School Musical. There was a period in my life where I was embarrassed to like certain things. Sometimes I even tried to convince myself that I didn’t like those things! But who am I serving and who am I helping by pretending to be someone that I’m not? How can I call someone my friend and I’ve lied to them about who I am?

Who I am. Who I am? How do I know who I am? Who I am comes from many things: what I like, what I don’t like, what I will do, what I won’t do. It comes from my dreams, my secrets, my fears. It comes from who I like, who I don’t like. And guess what the best part is? No one, and I repeat, no one can say that you are wrong. Who you are can never be wrong. Ever.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55