08 Jul Trilogy Poetry

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Hi this is George Cook host of the literary talk show Let's Talk Honestly. I would like to invite you to check out this weeks author interview with The Spence Family the authors of "A Trilogy of Poetry, Prose, and Thoughts" You can listen by clicking here:
"A Trilogy of Poetry, Prose, and Thoughts" by Joseph, Sheila and Jonathan is a delightful work. It is filled with lots of imagery and figurative language. It is a delight to visualize and taste Joseph Spence's Jamaican foods, and taste Sheila's southern cuisine. The young Jonathan Spence is a rising literary star; his poetry and prose are excellently written. The Trilogy Team gives a vivid picture of their lives. It is a masterpiece of 21st Century poetry ; it awakens the five senses. Inspirational!
They have made a significant contribution to the poetic genre.
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55