09 Jul The Successful Entrepreneur

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Success is to accomplish something that you desire or something you have tried or experienced. Success is a habit just as how you feel about yourself is also a habit. Learn to set goals. The ability to follow through and complete projects will help you reach your goals easier. Completing what you start, completing projects, and reaching goals also builds self-confidence and self-esteem.

These things remind you that you have some control of your life. Completing what you start also gives you the chance to experience what it feels like to be successful. When you practice success, you learn to love and appreciate how it feels as well as how it makes others feel about you. You will learn to love that feeling. Then, you will put automatically put yourself in situations where you are successful.

Understand how to walk in the road to success…

...Nobody is perfect - Examine your strengths and weaknesses.

...Who are you? - Get to know yourself, what do you like and dislike? Let your strengths build you into a better person.

...Read and learn – Investigate all you can about your business. The more you know the more successful you will be.

...Forgive and Get over it – Don’t take things too personal, you only make yourself feel bad when you can’t forgive.

...Let it go - Don’t hold on to hurt, anger, or disappointment too long. It will take your mind off success as it eats you up inside.

...Put forth effort - make a conscious effort to use what you have learned. Then put forth more effort. More the effort you put forth, the more successful you will be.

...Keep a positive attitude – it breeds success and progress. Nobody wants to do business with a person with a sour and negative attitude.

You are the typical stay at home mom, the young energetic student, the retired father, or anybody else who decided to be an entrepreneur there is a formula for success that can be learned and developed. There is a 10 STEP FORMULA that you can follow to help build your confidence and ensure your success.

1. Set a goal.
2. Develop a good project plan
3. Start your project
4. Work your plan
5. Organize everyday
6. Finish what you start
7. Experience success
8. Build your confidence
9. Increase your efforts
10. Build your business

Each goal you meet, each positive event you experience, and each project you complete for your business brings you closer to building solidifying your confidence in your self and in your business and takes you one step closer to success. The feeling of success makes you feel more passionate about your business. Be assured that others will feel your passion and join you in your efforts.

…You are an entrepreneur

…You are in control of your life

…You are in control of the success of your business

by Michelle R. Yisrael

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55