26 Jul Building Your 'Own' Confidence

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        This article was written for the typical entrepreneur who desires success and needs to be encouraged in order  to increase their own self-confidence.  The person who is successful in owning and operating a business for him or herself understands that self-confidence and being a successful business person go hand in hand.  Do you know what self-confidence is?

        It is the belief in you! It is the belief that you were created smart, capable, and beautiful. It is the belief that you may not be perfect, but you have positive attributes that you feel good about. All this has a lot to do with self-confidence. Self-confidence defines how you feel about yourself. Are you self-reliant and independent? Are you self-motivated and self-starting? Do you always need someone looking over your shoulder? If you are one who does not need to be told what to do, you get things done just because you know it needs to be done, then you are independent but not necessarily confident. And independent and self-reliant person will not need to be told to return from lunch on time, keep his or work area clean and free of clutter, nor to complete a task at work. An independent and self-reliant person will do these things just because they need to be done.

       Do you have self-respect and self pride? These also play an important role in your self-esteem. Self-esteem is your own satisfaction with yourself. The fact that you know you are intelligent, beautiful, or talented plays a major role in your self-esteem. The way you feel about what you are able to do is also part of your self-esteem. Do not confuse a person with self-confidence and high self-esteem with a person who is arrogant and full of pride. There is such a thing as too much self-importance. The better your self-esteem, the more self-confidence you will have. The more confidence you have the better you will be at work, in school, in church, or the community. A confident person will even have better relationships with both family and friends.

       An entrepreneur is a person who organizes, operates, manages, and takes the risk in business ventures expecting to gain profit. Being an entrepreneur involves knowledge, skill, and time. You can learn about business and what is needed to be a good entrepreneur. A good entrepreneur is not afraid to ask questions, research, read, and learn. Consistently study business and what it takes to do business. As you access information about your business you also build your confidence. The more confidence you have the better your business will be. A successful entrepreneur must have self-confidence! Your business will be a reflection of your confidence.

There are 10 things you can do to build your own confidence and become a successful entrepreneur.

1. Never wait on others for encouragement.
2. Always keep your cool when in front of a client.
3. Keep a positive attitude overcoming insecure, avoiding depression, and other negative behavior.
4. Strive to be an overachiever, you can’t be successful if you don’t give it all you’ve got.
5. Don’t be easily irritated and unnerved when things seem to be going wrong. Remain calm even when faced with challenges.
6. Always have a friendly aura, it promotes your business.
7. Be a leader and major contributor in your church, community and social groups.
8. Be prepared for business opportunity at all times.
9. Organize every work day
10. Now this is the hard one.  Never give up.

Michelle R. Yisrael

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Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55