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We all know the statistics...........Asians, Jews and Caucasions recycle every dollar that comes into their communities 4, 5, 6, 10 times before it leaves; benefitting them greatly.  We, on the other hand, do not.  Instead, we have adopted the mindset that we must CONSUME only.  Imagine what would happen if we actually RECYCLED our money to maximize its benefit to OUR community.  Imagine US solving the problems within OUR community WITHOUT the government or a handout!!!

I am offering this perspective because I'm very excited to share some valuable information with you!  I just got involved in an incredible new Black Owned and Operated Global Internet-Based Self-Help Ministry. This is something you have got to check out for yourself. The name of our organization is: African-Americans for Success, Achievement, and Prosperity (AASAP).

I'd love to have you join our AASAP team. Membership is FREE and you'll receive a FREE replicated website just like mine. Click Step # 1 to hear The Answer and The Solution. Then review the rest of the website and complete step # 2 to join as a FREE AASAP member on my website below. Turn your speakers on and click below:


We're helping to make a positive difference in the Black Community and I look forward to you partnering with us. Let me know your thoughts on AASAP and if you have any questions.


Estelle R. Combs

Affiliate Member - AASAP Ministries

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55

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