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Here is an article and commentary from the TransAfrica Forum that is worthy of close reading and consideration.  More than anything, if you agree, please contact the members of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Leaders of the African nations affected have protested this invasion of their soverignty in the name of the War on Terrorism.  If our African brothers and sisters protest, we must join them to stop this ill-conceived military presence in Africa.

Our protest should be no less loud than the protest against the injustices against the Jena Six.

September 27, 2007

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Tell the Senate Armed Services Committee to Reject Military Command on the Continent of Africa

TransAfrica Denounces Confirmation Hearings for General William Ward

On the morning of Thursday, September 27 the U.S. Senate Committee on Armed Services will convene confirmation hearings that will include the nomination of Army General William E. Ward as chief officer of the United States Africa Command (AFRICOM).

TransAfrica Forum, the nation’s premier African-American foreign policy organization, states its opposition to the formation of AFRICOM, and thus the confirmation of General Ward. AFRICOM is the Bush Administration’s latest effort to militarize foreign policy and aid. AFRICOM is the proposed permanent command structure that will be located on the African continent to launch global military campaigns and “oversee” the distribution of aid.

Promoting human rights, fair trade, and self-determination of African peoples must be the cornerstone of U.S. policy towards Africa, not the building of yet another military authority. AFRICOM will prove detrimental to African sovereignty and the development African solutions for African problems. AFRICOM is an example of military expansion in the name of the War on Terrorism, when it is in fact designed to secure Africa’s resources and ensure American interests on the continent. AFRICOM represents a policy of U.S. military-driven expansionism that will only enhance political instability, conflict, and the deterioration of state security.

African leaders are opposed to a U.S. permanent command on African soil. This month the Southern African Development Community (SADC) defense ministers determined that no member states would host AFRICOM. Other countries including Ghana and Nigeria have made statements against AFRICOM. Many countries have stated their preference to develop their own institutions for security, political, and economic independence.

TransAfrica Forum calls on the members of the U.S. Senate Committee on Armed Services to not only reject General Ward as commander of AFRICOM but reject the notion of AFRICOM altogether. We urge you to call the members of the Senate Armed Services Committee and to tell them to reject the nomination of General Ward and to oppose AFRICOM.

Senator Carl Levin (D-MI)

Chair, Armed Services Committee


Senator John McCain (R-AZ)

Ranking Member, Armed Services Committee


Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA)


Senator Robert C. Byrd (D-WV)


Senator Joseph Lieberman (I-CT)


Senator Jack Reed (D-RI)


Senator Daniel Akaka (D-HI)


Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL)


Senator Ben Nelson (D-NE)


Senator Evan Bayh (D-IN)


Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY)


Senator Mark Pryor (D-AR)


Senator Jim Webb (D-VA)


Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO)


Senator John Warner (R-VA)


Senator James Inhofe (R-OK)


Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL)


Senator Susan Collins (R-ME)


Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-GA)


Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC)


Senator Elizabeth Dole (R-NC)


Senator John Cornyn (R-TX)


Senator John Thune (R-SD)


Senator Mel Martinez (R-FL)


Senator Bob Corker (R-TN)



TransAfrica Forum
1629 K Street, NW, Suite 1100,
Washington, DC 20006
Phone: 202.223.1960     Fax: 202.223.1966

Copyright © 2006
TransAfrica Forum

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55