05 Oct Are we one Black People?

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Dear Black People

Divide and conqure has always been the strategy used to keep Black People from coming together.  There is power in our unity.  So why do we remain in our seperate groups?  I'm not advocating that we leave our individual organizations.  I beleive those organizations should have this article inscribed in their by-laws, "(Organization Name Leader) will meet once per month with an organization whose purpose is to bring all Black Organiztions together to discuss the state of Black People's Conditions locally, statewide and nationally.  (Oranziation Name) will pool $100 per month to address and resolve the issues impacting the Black Community. 

Imagine 100 Black Oranizations meeting monthly, collectively pooling $100,000 per month to address the social, economic, education, political, legal, medical and research needs of the Black Community.  This is power!

This is very simple to do.  With all of our talented tenth, why do we not come together?  As future Black Leaders, you must demand that your Black Organizationswork collectively to uplift and empower the Black Community.

One Love, One People, One Goal: Black Empowerment

Charles E. Campbell
TQR is one of the Solutions! Don't be afraid!


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Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55