16 Nov Exclusive video: The March Against Hate Crimes

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Hi this is George Cook of www.letstalkhonestly.com I would like to than Angelique Lewis an up and coming civil rights activist in Washington D.C. who planned the Jena 6 rally in D.C. and who was an integral part of planning the March Against Hate Crimes march for getting me a press pass so that I could cover the march from the inside. This was a great learning experience and it also let me see how certain people act when they are conducting business and it was really eye opening. It was also great to be a part of a march and movement that continues what Martin Luther King , our grandparents, and parents started. Click the link below to watch some great video I got which includes the complete speeches of Al Sharpton, Martin Luther King III, and Steve Harvey
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55