24 Nov Baseball asterisk should start with pre black era

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Now first off baseball will not put a asterisk on any of Barry Bond's records because it would mean putting asterisk all over the steroid era.

But if baseball wants to start putting asterisk on records it might want to start with the pre black era. Due to segregation the best players whether they were black or white did not play against each other.

If many black players had been allowed in sooner Babe Ruth would not be the home run champ and Bary Bonds would still have a long way to go as Josh Gibson hit 962 home runs. Even the single season wins by a pitcher record would change as would many other records if black players were allowed in.

So maybe baseball just might want to leave the whole asterisk thing alone. Read a great article on this by DeWayne Wickham USA Today by clicking the link below:

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55