19 Dec African American online talk show enters third year

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The African American Literary online talk show LTH WEEKLY is now entering it's third year online. The show is a weekly webcast in which host George L. Cook III interview African American authors. Over 100 authors have been interviewed since the shows inception.

They have been writers in many genres, urban lit. poetry, historical fiction, and of course romance.

Mr. Cook started the show after his negative experiences with getting publicity for his book through more traditional means and his dealings with some online book promoters who did not deliver what they promised.

Mr. Cook also found it odd that many show charged for interviews . Even after learning that they charged because early on podcast did not exist and very few had the ability to broadcast on the web and those that did charged the host to put their show on the air. The host then had to pass part of that cost onto the authors.  He still thought the prices were too high for up and coming authors many of whom are self published. They simply don't have the money to pay for  interviews at $125 or more.

So after initially only charging no more than $7.50 the interviews became free as the site traffic grew and the site became ad supported.

Mr. Cook only ask that the authors donate a book that later will be donated to the local library in Hillside NJ. Since the interviews have been made free 15 books have been donated to the library in the first month with more set to be donated in January. Many authors love the idea and even those who have already interviewed have sent in books.

The show is updated every Sunday and can be heard at letstalkhonestly.com. Mr. Cook credits the shows success to countless hours spent on the Internet blogging, starting yahoo groups, and writing newsletters.

Mr. Cook can be contacted at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55