13 Feb There's Still Money to be Made in this Market

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As a Nationwide commercial lender we have not seen the dramatic drop-off in business as on the residential side of the market. I started my career in the residential market but made the move to the commercial side when I realized that this was an under-served and untapped market. Before the collapse of the residential market I desperately tried to convince many of my friends and colleagues to explore the commercial side of the real estate market and see the enormous sums of money to be made. Unfortunately, they had too many excuses like commercial is too difficult and too hard. Ironically, they also complain about how they’re not making any money because the residential market has gotten too hard and difficult. In this market you can either be on the cutting edge and step out of your comfort zone and try new things or you’ll be forced to go find work in another field. I love the real estate and mortgage business and could not think of another field that affords me the flexibility to make my own schedule and handsomely reward me for my hard work. I said all of that to say this: Stop walking by those commercial deals and thinking that there too hard; please remember that your first residential deal seemed like it was hard as hell too.
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55