02 Apr The Truth Behind Dr. J. Wright's Comments About America

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Forwarded: From Dr. Ray Hagins http://www.wblr.com

The "former pastor" of Senator Obama, Rev. Jeremiah Wright,  made some statements that infuriated many people and caused them to say that he is a "hater" of America. The opponents of Senator Obama tried their best to present these statements (via the media) in such a way that it would appear as though Senator Obama has affiliations with those who are considered (by the ignorant) to be anti-American, or racists, anti-Semetic, etc., etc. Senator Obama was literally pressured into distancing himself from his "former" pastor (not to mention an outright denouncing of the support of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan).

So much noise was made by the media and those who would oppose Obama, that no one has stopped to give any thought to the seriousness of the accusations made against the US government by Obama's "former" pastor! Why did Rev. Wright make such indictable statements against the US government? Were his accusations true or not? Did the US government create the AIDS virus? Did the US government destroy the World Trade Center Towers and then blame it on Osama Bin Laden? Does anyone even care that Rev. Wright's statements are true or not? Or are we just annoyed with this pastor because it appears as though "he doesn't like America?"

Well, let's find out tonight if there is any credibility to the statements about this governemt made by Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

Join us at 8:00 p.m. (7:00 p.m. Central Time) as Dr. Hagins not only discusses these and other issues, but also provides the evidence to support Rev. Wright's claims of criminal behavior against the human race by the government of the United States.

Log on to www.wblr.com and click the red webcast banner at the top of the page to listen in.

And you shall know the truth and wish you didn't!

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55