09 Apr Program your mind to achieve your goal by Monica Carter Tagore

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                          Program your mind to achieve your goal

                                                              Monica Carter Tagore

            Seeing yourself already successful is a powerful way to move you to your success. One way to do that is through visualization. That's because visualization is a way to program the subconscious mind into doing what we want.

            When you already see yourself having met your goal: having lost the 10 pounds or running the successful company or lounging around on the vacation, then you are telling your subconscious mind that this thing is reality.

            Scientists tell us we think tens of thousands of thoughts a day, yet most of them are negative. We fill our minds with thoughts of what we can't do, haven't done, won't do. It's no wonder most people end up not doing anything! If that's what you've told yourself will happen, how can you be surprised when that's exactly what takes place?

            Instead, replace those negative thoughts with positive ones, starting with visualizing your success.

            I remember my first marathon. As the miles got harder and harder, one of the things that kept me going was being able to visualize myself crossing that finish line. Enthusiasm got me started, but sheer mental toughness kept me going.

            What about you? What goal are you running to reach? Could a bit of visualization help you along the way?

            Many people may be skeptical about the effectiveness of visualization. If so, that's understandable. But just try it anyway. Think about a goal you want to reach. Now close your eyes. Envision yourself already having reached the goal. Take in the full scene. What does your success feel like? Who is with you? What are you doing? How do you look?

            Revel in that visual picture.

            Hold onto that picture as you go about your day.

            What happens with visualization is that your subconscious mind will start to move you toward that goal. You will begin to see new opportunities in the day to move you closer to your goal. You will find new information to further your goal. You become aware of things related to your goal that you were not aware of before.

            Visualization also helps to build your confidence because you have completed the action in your mind before go to complete it in reality. And so by the time you do it in reality, you have the confidence of having already been to that place of successful completion. This is a technique many athletes use. They visualize themselves making the game-saving play, the perfect pass, the perfect free throw, etc. And they find it works.

            Another way to program your mind is to repeat affirmations. Affirmations are positive notions you state as fact. For instance, your affirmation may be, "I am successful and smart." Your affirmation is a statement that helps you see yourself as already having attained that which you desire.

            In my book, Zoom Power: Your Key to Hitting Your Personal, Business and Financial Targets, I talk about the importance of guarding your mind against negative influences. While you may not be able to control the random thoughts that enter your mind, you can control the ones you choose to embrace. And the thoughts you choose to embrace will determine your outcome.

            What thoughts will you embrace?

            Affirmations and visualization are two powerful tools you can use to program you for success. 

Monica Carter Tagore speaks and writes on success, goal achievement and entrepreneurship. She is the author of Zoom Power: Your Key to Hitting Your Personal, Business and Financial Targets. Learn more at http://www.knowledgewealthseries.com/.


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55