27 Apr Don't Sleep On Your Business Financing

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Dear Izania Friends and Associates,

Thank you for your support and encouragement for
my new eBook Raise-Cash-Fast. I have received
a lot of positive feed back from Izaniz members who
have invested in the multimedia training course on
how to raise capital for your business.

Picture of Raise Cash Fast eBook

To see what other Business Leaders had to say about
RaiseCashFast go to...

Since raising capital for your business is the biggest
and most persistent ongoing battle your business will
face I wanted to reach out to some of you one more time.

Most people think the SBA will be their for them when
they are ready for a loan to grow or expand their business.

This just isn't the case in most circumstances. SBA loan
guaranties are administered by conservative banks and
therefore many small or emerging businesses don't

Financial brokers won't help you unless you are looking for
$500,000 or more and you still need good credit, collateral,
experience in the business and an excellent business plan.

You need creative strategies to get the capital you need and
thats what I'd like to share with you with Raise Cash Fast.

Don't wait until you are in a desperate situation looking for
cash it will be too late. You have to start planning for cash
infusions and raising capital in the initial stages of planning
your business.

I reveal how to work with nonprofits funded by the government
and major corporations to help finance small business. Just
one of my sources has giving out over 12.9 Billion dollars in
loans to small businesses and helped them establish their
credit in the process.

In this regard I just wanted to remind you that today is
the last day for the Special Discount on the
Raise Cash Fast eBook.

If you are looking for proven strategies and sources
to Raise Money for Your Company don't delay pick up
a copy today at...

I don't want any hard feelings so I am just giving you
a one last friendly reminder to download your copy at...

P.S. If you do it now I will also give you an hour of
phone support to help fast track your efforts.

So grab your copy now at...

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55