29 Apr North Carolina Governor: The Pimp

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This morning the governor of the state I currently reside in endorsed Barack Obama's opponent for President. I was informed he was going to do this last night during an Obama Rally on the UNC-Chapel Hill campus.

People who attended the rally were encouraged to call up the governor's office and express their disappointment. (I have yet to make the call). Am I disappointed that Governor Michael Easley chose not to endorse Barack Obama? Yes, of course. But I am not outraged because I understand he made a decision based on his own conscience and not the will of his constituents. He, like the Clintons, pimped black voters when he needed them to get elected but once he got in office, he seemed to turn his back.

Besides, what does he have to lose at this point? He's not running for office again so he can toss black voters aside like yesterday's leftovers and move on with his life. Maybe he thinks endorsing Barack Obama's opponent will get him a political appointment somewhere down the road.

On the other hand, both democratic candidates for NC Governor have endorsed Obama. They sure know how to pimp us, don't they?

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55