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Travel along the Internet matrix of black political and cultural blog spots and you will quickly find yourself engulfed with the plantation mindset of political writings presented to African Americans by black political and cultural bloggers traveling on the chitterlings circuit.

Plantation politics practiced by political black bloggers on the chitterlings circuit require that the white commentator is the last and definitive authoritative word on black Americans. The white commentator has the only commentary worthy of an article, mention or recognition by African American political and cultural bloggers.

Black political bloggers are the worst because they consistently demonstrate that the white man's commentary is superior to anything you have to say. Black political bloggers only write and post to African Americans about slavery, crime, racism, civil rights or what white America did or said to or about African Americans.

The same black bloggers in turn disregard, disrespect, talk down and treat you as if you are a Tuskegee experiment. Black political bloggers give themselves black blogger awards for depressing African Americans unto hopelessness, worthlessness and suicidal thoughts.

Black political and cultural bloggers are the main and central reason African Americans can't evolve intellectually, morally or spiritually.

When blog after blog after blog from every black political or cultural blogger is about civil injustice, discrimination, war, hunger, disease, racism, poverty, civil rights abuses or what white America did or said to African Americans what normal African American or human being for that matter wouldn't be depressed unto hopelessness, despair and suicidal thoughts.

Black political bloggers undermine African American intellect, confidence and morale by only referencing to white people for expert analysis, news, commentary and insight.

Whenever a African American has anything to say relevant to a political, moral or cultural situation the political and cultural black blogger relegates their comments or commentary to merely being their opinion whereas any white commentators name added to the same and identical subject matter or discussion is regarded by political and cultural black bloggers as an article worthy of headline news, discussion and immediate dissemination to African Americans.

African American political and cultural bloggers have insulted our intelligence and has talked down to African American readers for so long that they believe they are intellectually above and beyond you even though essentially we are all in the same boat.

African American political bloggers are the worst because they talk about black unity but don't identify with their own kind. They talk unity while purposely dividing black Americans along intellectual and moral lines for the benefit of ego, competition and sensationalism.

Black political bloggers are the worst because they depress you, talk down to you, make a fool out of you and then sit back scratching their heads and black fannies asking self separative questions like "What's wrong with African Americans" or "What's wrong with black people?"

let's examine this latest skewed black political analysis and cultural post by a black blogger.

The title of the actual article is titled "Bill tackles issues facing Black community" but when the black blogger reports the article to unsuspecting African American readers he incites anger, division and depression by skewing the article to provoke a sensationalized, unwarranted response for the sake of discussion, vanity, ego and shock value.

Case and point:
The title of the above article is "Bill tackles issues facing Black community" but when a black blogger reports it to us the title is: "Bill Cosby attacks black leaders."

What black leaders did Bill Cosby attack? Specifically what are the names of the black leaders Bill Cosby attacked? In the actual article Bill Cosby never mentioned nor attacked the name or character of anyone.

The black blogger also steers your emotions to care less about what Bill Cosby has to say or think by injecting his bias to wit:"Bill gave his ""usual"" message about doing for self"

Black political bloggers don't possess the intelligence, investigative skills or contacts to tell us news we can use. They perpetrate their writing to appear smarter than you but everything they write about is old news thrown out by white America.

I challenge black bloggers to write original progressive articles. Write articles that uplift black intellectuality and morale. Tell us how GPS tracking works, tell us shortcut formulas to exceed using excel computer software or other technologies. Tell us how MP3 technology works so we can build our own IPOD's. Tell us what Obama is thinking before we hear it from white America.

Write articles to African Americans that support progressive African American thought, behavior and responses.

There is a reason why black bloggers start the majority of their articles off with questions instead of statements. It is because black political bloggers and cultural bloggers don't know enough to start or write an original discussion.

Any original article of discussion produced by an African American independent of white America's views is called diatribes, rantings, venting or his/her opinion.

African American political bloggers frown on any article or original thought that did not first come their way via white America. Black political bloggers can't accept an idea or premise from other blacks until the premise or idea is accepted or validated by white America.

African American political bloggers are following white America on the chitterlings circuit and feeding us their news scraps.

When African American bloggers are laboring and functioning under this type of plantation mentality what chance does the rank and file African American have of improving their intellect, morale, outlook, station in life or attitude?

The plantation mentality of African American bloggers sequesters and extinguishes any real possibility that rank and file African Americans have of realizing their true potential.

Progressive thoughts and ideas presented to black bloggers from rank and file African Americans are received and regarded as militant, heavy-handed and offensive.

Progressive thinking or ideas offered up by other African Americans to African American bloggers are unaccepted, unappreciated and readily dismissed by the bloggers plantation mentality because the notion that another black person is some how more intellectually progressive in thought is offensive and beyond the plausibility of the African American bloggers plantation mindset.

When attempting to propel your hopes and dreams of successfully improving your intellect, morale, outlook, station in life or attitude don't look for leadership. If you have a business, product, skill or service seek out a progressive company such as Mubarak Inter-prizes.

At Mubarak Inter-prizes your thoughts, actions, vision, business, product ,skill or service does not have to be validated by white America before it is accepted by black America.

At Mubarak Inter-prizes your originality, business, product ,skill or service is introduced to the 21st century based on your word and on its own merit.

Free your mind, intelligence,attitude, life, business, vision, product ,skill or service from the detrimental mindset of African American political and cultural plantation bloggers.

Visit us at: www.mubarakinter-prizes.com

Sincerely, Enoch Mubarak
president/CEO Mubarak Inter-prizes

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55