10 Jun Burn happily as cauliflower

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The rape flower is in bloom, several non- many, grow in the colored pool under the others' eaves. This is rape in the town, do not have food absolutely, but have and see.
Tell him, the cauliflower has been opened. A face of his is pleasantly surprised, say, will see the cauliflower when free. This is every year, in we go out, the grandest one.
When I wonder, the urban resident will arouse the interests in seeing the cauliflower, every spring, groups, chase it to seeing the cauliflower outside the city. The cauliflower of some places, so is famous, for example the cauliflower of Wuyuan, Jiangxi, cauliflower of Luoping of Yunnan.
In autumn one year, I acted as the fan to Wuyuan, packed the outfit for a journey and planned to go. The friend dissuades from immediately, say, you don't go now, you go until spring, there is cauliflower that is looking in spring. Unless it is ask he not to smile, the Wuyuan one cauliflower,how the goodlooking? He says, burn endlessly, burns like that.
Smile. Which place is the cauliflower in, are not burning like this? All cauliflower, like long such one heart, hospitable, forthright and sincere. Burst forth in one day, the love had one's bosom filled with, fire gorgeously. There are places of slope, it is a full slope cauliflower, there are places of the field, it is the cauliflower of full field. The whole world, become one cordially.
I am the child growing up in the field of cauliflower. The cauliflower of the homeland, becoming wave into the wave becomes ocean. At that time, the room is swung on the cauliflower, people swung on the cauliflower. Seem, hear where Pi bang pa, spend one field first field hold. Adult to treat cauliflower as flower, they pass by cauliflower, the face is calm. We child, see cauliflower turn on, the shed is happy like being crazy. The girl in none of countryside, the cauliflower is not worn to send inside. Even in order to wear the cauliflower we, have compiled the ballad to sing: "The cauliflower will not be worn on Pure Brightness, extremely turned into the cucumber. " Think about it now, ballad this sing really utterly unjustifiable, cauliflower and cucumber, where follow every. Can sing happily at that time, jumped, the death was a remote and fuzzy thing, not sad. One piece of cauliflowers, insert, set out us inside is yellow to turn on at the head gaudy while being gaudy.
Go to sweep a grave too. That is a great-grand mother's tomb, the tomb is enclosed by the cauliflower, is a bamboo hat swung in the yellow great wave. Think the great-grand mother rests the head on the cauliflower to sleep everyday, the great-grand mother is happy. While feeling, non- afraid.
At this time, took pictures the master worker went to the countryside carrying the apparatus of taking pictures. How many villages he go to, like which village celebrate a festival lively. The women's good clothes have been all turned over, dress a sundae is waiting to take pictures. The background is that natural a cauliflower is yellow, lined with thickly the eyebrow women with thick eyes, every one stands up coquettishly. The man sees the woman's sight, much more warm-heat evil. My grandmother is not willing we took a picture more, said that sucks the blood. But she herself can't help striking one, sit up straight by the cauliflower, the cauliflower that the face smiled as in full bloom as one.
It is extremely interesting to read a poem which writes the cauliflower: "Children walk fast and chase the yellow butterfly, have no place to seek to fly into the cauliflower. " In the poem, naughty child, is chasing a butterfly fluttering. The butterfly is chased into the cauliflower clump, leaves children, is staring at the cauliflower fully to look for, which a cauliflower is that butterfly.
The inflammation cherry of Zhang Ailing's foreign girl friend, has said one sentence has been full of words of intelligence: "Every butterfly, are all ghosts of a flower in the past, comes back to look for itself. " If really like this, the cauliflower of that everywhere, how much butterfly should be turned into? This is really an extremely American thing.
When the cauliflower is opened best, I have selected one fine day, go to the countryside to see the cauliflower with him. One No. view go by cauliflower, one No. see cauliflower go back, mood getting fine cauliflower, burn happily. The one that thought at this time is, be regarded as the life stopping now, we have not regretted either, because we like deeply, the cauliflower of that ground is yellow. 

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Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55