15 Jul It must suck to be a middle aged white guy right now

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Being a middle aged white guy must suck right now   By George Cook http://www.letstalkhonestly.com/  email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

Now normally I ignore people that complain that they can't complain. That means I ignore most of the people on the right when they complain that they can't attack Obama without being called racist.  

 Just to get off topic for a second that can be avoided by not mentioning Barack Obama's race at all.  As an example saying that "......an inadequate man for president" is not racist but saying that "....an inadequate black man." raises the question to many African Americans of why the  fact that he is black matters. Either he can do the job or he can't.  

 Now back to the topic at hand.   I was listening to a talk show one day and  there were two middle aged white conservative guys talking about African Americans voting for Obama and why we do. If you must know  I listen to these type of segments to amuse myself. It's hilarious to hear what middle aged white male conservatives  think black people think.  I mean it gets even better when people call in and say things that start with "They" and then say that blacks are being divisive.  

Oops I got off track again Sorry.   What struck me is that during the course of the conversation one of the guys used the word boy. I thought nothing of it but the guy who said it suddenly back pedaled faster than a NFL corner back on Sunday and explained what he meant by boy.

He went out of his way to say that he wasn't using it in a racist way.   This guy was not being funny or sarcastic either. He was really worried that someone would take his words and twist them into something he didn't mean.  I actually felt for the guy. While I disagreed  with everything he was saying I do believe he has the right to say it. I felt at no time the guy was being racist at all.  

Has political correctness gotten out of hand where a guy who is already watching his words has to back track  because he used a word that could possibly be taken as racist.? For someone to take his statement as racist they would to have to drink a six pack and do a few rocks of crack.  

It dawned on me that is this current politically  correct climate we can't have a real discussion on race.   We all have to realize especially the race baiters  out there is that in order for us to have a real conversation on race everyone has to be able to voice their opinion. We don't have to agree with it or even like it.  But how is anyone going to understand where another person is coming from if they are not allowed to voice their thoughts ? 

We have to all come together and talk.

  And yes that includes middle aged conservative white guys.    

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55