12 Aug Who's Looking Out For You?

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In the wonderful medical world that many of you put so much faith in, you are advised to be careful, especially if you are or have someone in a hospital or care facility.  There are many potential problems that can beset you, many facilities for example have limited staffing, so corners can be cut affecting the quality care that is given to patients.  Someone especially someone who is in the medical community (doctor, nurse, technician) needs to essentially be a watchdog for you to insure procedures are carried out in a proper fashion.  Doctors are forced to practice defensive medicine, so there is a tendency to overdo some examinations, questions arise about necessity and were to draw the line becomes vague.  Extra tests whether pertinent or not still brings in revenue, but many people are reluctant to speak up and question, they just go along for the ride,  This holds true especially if the patient is elderly and is less apt to question 'why is this test necessary'?    People need to wake up, speak out, demand to know what's happening or just quietly hold your tongue, while they nickel and dime you to death, for they will if you don't find someone 'who's looking out for you!'
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55