23 Aug 85 Year Old Man Says Most Powerful Words

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85 year old man most powerful words

I went to the Dr's office last week for update. Now, it's not easy for me to go because of my long illness in the past. For 7 months , I became extremley ill. I saw many doctors, numerous blood draws led to countless needle sticks, tests after tests, appointments galore! Sometimes two in a day. The thought of going was tough . You see, every time I went, there was rarely good report. My white blood count was always too low . Stop meds . Start meds . Back and forth. Vice versa. This went on all the time for seven months. My body was slowly dying. When I think of all of this, I get nervous about going to see a Doctors. But I decided to go.God is in control of my life and that's it. So, I went to the doctor office in faith.

When I got to the office , I became nervous. So many memories instantly came to me again. I slowly sat beside an old man. No particular reason. I noticed one of his legs was missing and the other leg was worn with black strapped boot. I immediate said a silent prayer. Everytime , I see anyone in pain, homeless, or disable, I always say a prayer to bless them.

Few minutes later, another man entered the Dr. office except he was black man. He sat down in front of me and the old white man. As he began to sit, I noticed he was missing a leg and also wore the same black boot. I said, "wow", quietly to myself . I did another silent prayer. Moments later, the old man sitting next to me asked "How are you doing? I replied, "I am fine sir". Then I asked him, "How are you"? He said, "Well, I tell ya, I am 85 years old .It seems like the older I get, the more the doctor patches me up". The man went on to say, "Let me tell ya something , and you listen to me good. If I knew the Lord was going to keep me here for 85 years, I would had taken better care of myself". He got his cane and he left.

At the moment, I was in silence. That man just said some of the most powerful words to me. Without him even knowing, he validated my belief to continue obtain optimum health. His words reinforced me to strive harder in my health choices.

You see, there is nothing wrong with living the ripe age of 100. The key is not number of years but the quality of your health.

Ladies, let's get on the ball! Research is saying that the avearage age of life expectancy for women is 85.
We must be self advocates! Take control of our health. The men sitting in the doctor's office can never go back .They will never get their limbs back. All they can do is go forward and do the best they can with their life. I wish I would had gotten his name just to thank him. Thank him for reminding me that it's O.K to be scared, it's O.K to face our fears, but most of all, it's O.k to want the best for my health. Sometimes , folks are criticized and put down for eating organic, being earthy or vegan. That day, I received an unexpected validation that it's O.K. God bless him and God bless you.
Last modified on Monday, 27 May 2013 11:55