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In our human condition we yearn for love and desire to be loved. It makes you feel good inside when someone says to you "I love you." Hearing the words "I love you" makes us feel our purpose and existence. Our desire to be loved is so strong that when we do hear someone tell us that they love us we don't ask him or her why.

We don't ask why because the answer is obvious. You love me because I am worthy to be loved and asking you why "you love me" may give you the impression that I feel that I am unworthy to be loved.

When someone calls you a friend, it makes us feel connected, and our need to be connected is so strong that once again we don't ask him or her why. We don't ask why because it is obvious that we are friends because we grew up together, went to school together, we like the same music and so on...and so on

When it comes time to choose sides a family member will remind us not to forget that: blood is thicker than water, and we will agree and won't ask why. We won't ask why because the answer is obvious.

Take for example me standing before you today attempting to explain to you why we are family and friends. If you are a black person there is no need for me to explain to you why we are family and friends because if you are a black person then it is obvious why we are family and friends.

It is obvious that we are family and friends because we all originated from Africa. We are family and friends because we all share the same history of slavery. It is obvious from the legacy of slavery that you may in fact be my stolen brother or sister and out of respect for that knowledge we refer to each other to this very day as my "brother" or my "sister." It is obvious that we are family and friends bound together by the trials and tribulations of this life.

In my educated mind of logic and reasoning this all make sense to me but in my heart and soul it is obvious to me that we are family and friends for all the wrong reasons.

It is obvious to me that God calls for us to look beyond the obvious to see the divine truth of why we are family and friends. In divine truth we came from someplace beyond Africa. Our father who art in heaven, and holy be thy name placed us in Africa. God knew us before we even realized that there was an Africa.

God told Jeremiah I chose you before I gave you life and before you were born. God had selected Jeremiah to be a prophet to the nations before there was an Africa.

We are family and friends because the blood running through your veins and through my veins is the same and identical blood from the same person that bled on the cross to set us free. We are family and friends connected through sacrificial love and bonded together by blood and water.

In divine truth, you don't have to be hesitant to ask me why I love you. Ask me why I love you and I will tell you why. I love you because it is my duty to love you. It is my duty to love you as God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son.

In divine truth, you don't have to be afraid to ask me why I call you a friend, ask me why I call you my friend and I'll tell you. I call you a friend because Jesus is a friend of mine, and if Jesus is a friend of yours then that makes you a friend of mine because a friend of my friend is my friend. We are friends because we both have a friend in Jesus.

Consider this for a moment. In our minds it is obvious to us that when we die we either open up our eyes in heaven or in hell but Jesus went beyond what is obvious to us. When Jesus while hanging beaten and bloodied on the cross turned to the brother next to him and told him that, "You will be with me in paradise this day."

It is obvious to me that Jesus is a powerful and most valuable friend to have because the brother that Jesus saved at the cross knew he was going to heaven before he died. I don't know of one friend today that can tell you or I with certainty that you are going to heaven before you die. Jesus went way beyond what is obvious to us because Jesus exists in a divine truth and divine truth exists far beyond what is mentally obvious to you or I.

Jesus death showed us that no love is greater than for one friend to lay down his life for another and heaven holds a place for those that have laid down their lives to save the lives of others.

Beyond our obvious definition as to why blood is thicker than water therein lays the divine truth. In divinity blood is thicker than water because the power of life and death is in the blood.

In Deuteronomy when Moses came down from the mountain not only did he come back with the tablets of God's 10 commandments he also brought back the law as given to him by God.

One of the laws given to Moses by God stated that we may eat meat but we must eat the meat without the blood. God's law says do not eat meat with blood still in it because life is in the blood. God also showed us that the power is in the blood as well.

When God sent the plague upon the Egyptians he instructed Moses to have the Israelites place blood above their doors. When God sent death everyone that had blood smeared over their doors had their lives spared. Their lives were spared because the power of the blood stopped death at the door.

The power of the blood running through our veins makes for a stronger and more superior connection than where we came from, what we have been through or the circumstances we currently find ourselves in. At this very second, at this very moment, the power of the blood running through your veins and my veins gives us the power to change our lives, overcome our circumstances and change our direction.

There can be no doubt that blood is thicker than water but without the water to purify and clean the blood there is no way for you or I to connect to the Holy Spirit that binds us together as family and friends.

In order for us to connect spiritually as family and friends, Jesus tells us that we must be born again but it is obvious to us that we are already here and that we can't pass again through the womb to be born again ... and that's exactly what Nicodemus told Jesus.

Jesus said to Nicodemus, "I am telling you the truth, no one can see the Kingdom of God unless he is born again. Jesus told Nicodemus no one could see the Kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the spirit.

Jesus told Nicodemus that the wind, blows wherever it wishes; you hear the sound it makes but you do not know where it comes from or where it is going. Jesus told Nicodemus that's what it is like with everyone who is born of the spirit.

Jesus said to Nicodemus, as I stand here and say to you now, I am telling you the truth yet no one is willing to accept our message, you do not believe me when I tell you about the things of this world; how then will you ever believe me when I tell you about the things in heaven?

After Jesus finished talking to Nicodemus, Nicodemus looked at Jesus and asked Jesus, How can this be? Jesus looked at Nicodemus and said you are a great teacher in Israel and you don't know this?

Dear family and friends let's stop living our lives content to accept the obvious. Stop accepting the obvious and never asking why. In our remaining existence on this mortal plain go beyond the obvious and search for divine truth.

When Jesus entered this mortal world the bible says he came into the world blood and water and I believe it because when Jesus was hanging on the cross a soldier stabbed him in his side and the bible says out came blood and water.

We are family because the same person that bled on the cross to set us free was sent to us by " Our Father who are in heaven and Holy be thy name."

God initially wiped out all mankind with a flood for the very same reason he sent his only son to die for our sins. God could have wiped us out too but for the loving parent that he is he instead showed us mercy and love.

When God sacrificed his only son and your brother and our friend unto the cross it not only demonstrated love but it also demonstrated that love without deed is like a gift without a bearer.

Before I sit down it should be divine revelation to you that we are family and friends through Jesus holy sacrifice and God's love; bound together by blood and water. The blood of Jesus and the water of baptism is the spiritual connection that holds together the true meaning of family and friends.

When God sent Moses to tell the people to smear the blood over their doors, he also instructed Moses to tell the Israelites not to smear just any blood over the door. God told Moses to tell the Israelites that the blood that they smeared over their doors must be without defect. If the blood over the doors of the Israelites were anything less that pure of defect death would have passed right through the door.

I am saying that to say this.... Don't be like Nicodemus. Nicodemus was too educated to see beyond the obvious. It was obvious to Nicodemus that it was impossible to be born again. Even though Jesus stood toe-to-toe and face-to-face with Nicodemus, Nicodemus still could not comprehend divine truth.

We all must leave this mortal world in the same way Jesus left this world because it is appointed upon man once to die but after this the judgment and it will not matter that your blood type is A-neg., B-positive, or special blend because absolutely one enters the kingdom of God unless they are born again of water and spirit.

My family and friends, look beyond what is obvious and embrace divine truth. In divine truth be of good cheer and don't despair if you have not family or friends because you will never walk alone.

Our Father who are in heaven by the power of the blood purified by the water of baptism says "I will be with you always even until the end of the world."

Enoch Mubarak
President & CEO Mubarak Inter-prizes
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55