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You can rest assured that White America is not in the least bit fazed by the revelation of White privilege. White privilege is what they are desperately trying to preserve in the upcoming presidential election.

What we refer to has a double standard of parity, acceptance and equality they accept as "rank has its privileges." White America dismiss our complaining as envy and jealousy of them. The accusation blacks are jealousy of white privilege is hard to defend against especially when you have black organizations such has The National Urban league issuing statements like the following:

By uplifting black women, especially those struggling hardest to keep their families together and their dreams on track, we lift up every American community. I encourage you to read this year's edition of the State of Black America: In the Black Woman's Voice with special attention to the Opportunity Compact. Our country urgently needs a new vision to close the gaps between black and white Americans. The State of Black America and the Opportunity Compact will help guide the way. Marc H. Morial, National Urban League President & CEO

The National Urban League 2008 State of Black America Agenda focuses entirely on keeping up with White America and totally lacks the message that African Americans need to do for self.

It is difficult to counter white Americas allegations that we want what they have when you have Senator / reverend James Meeks from Chicago Illinois calling for boycotts and marching because he covets what White America has. In a televised sermon Senator / reverend James Meeks from Chicago Illinois begged white America to take the curse off of us. James Meeks is a reverend that views white America has the true and living God.

White privilege is not our problem. Our problem is black organizations and black minister/leaders that keep African Americans docile and only address, view and perceive our global participation as unintelligent, uneducated African American employees that must respect and refer to other races and nationalities as our employers and bosses.

It is hard to begrudge anyone that is willing or tries to do for self. It is hard to begrudge another race or nationality when you know they got what the have by gathering their collective efforts to achieve their goals.

When was the last time a white person came looking to African Americans for a job? When was the last time the Spanish players sent us their resumes applying for a business loan or home mortgage? When was the last time a Chinese person sent their child to a black teacher to learn. When was the last time a polish contractor delivered to a African American the blueprints to oversee his real estate rehab projects?

It does not happen because the Europeans, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish and Polish populations do for self. As a result of doing for self they don't have to come to African Americans for anything.

We could be enjoying black privilege had we not submitted to slavery without resistance, had we not given and sold away our black domestic haircare industry or would just simply accept the premise and notion that we can have anything we want or anything we desire if also decided to do for self.

I don't believe white privilege is founded in racism because in this country you have the right and the power and when you don't have the right you use the power. White privilege is white power and African Americans learning to do for self is black power.

As of this writing any African American can go to www.undercoversmart.com and do for self with down loadable how-to-jobs. These are the same and identical jobs that they would stand in line for 12 hours just to be paid $7.00 an hour upon starting when they could learn to do for self and in turn use that knowledge to hire other African Americans as employees.
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55