25 Sep Obama vs. McCain -- 42 days to go. Calm Reason vs. Stunts and Distractions

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This morning Barack called John McCain to suggest a joint statement of principles that would help Congress resolve the immediate financial crisis.

Then John McCain went on television and said he was suspending his campaign and that Friday's presidential debate should be postponed. 

Obama also made it clear in a follow u press conference that -- with only 40 days left for the American people to decide who will be responsible for leading our economic future -- it is more important than ever that the scheduled debate takes place.  He added, "Presidents are going to have to deal with more than one thing at a time."

President Bush offered nothing new in his message to the nation tonight, but he invited Obama, McCain, and the Congressional Leadership to the White House for discussions on Thursday.  John McCain has now offered more knee jerk reactions to this crisis than we can keep up with.  Senator Obama has displayed calm, while communicating with all the key players involved to arrive at a solution that proctects Main Street while fixing Wall Street.

The polls are beginning to reflect that voters may have more confidence in Obama to lead us out of this quagmire.  I believe that the gamesmanship of the McCain camp is being recognized for a lack of substance and inability to deal with complex solutions.  The American public is beginning to see the danger in the stunts and distractions.  If the debate goes on as scheduled, we will see  an inept McCain on Friday night.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55