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Reading, writing and producing is the only effective and proven way to defend our right to exist in and beyond the 21st century.

All of our young brothers are locked down doing crazy time and the only ones left to advance our position are the middle aged brothers and the senior brothers. As we middle aged brothers continue to age and the senior brother succumb to mortality so does our opportunity and percentage of survival.

For the benefit of our sisters raising newborns and the sisters struggling with teenagers us middle aged men must stay young and healthy for as long as we can. As the last free black men standing we must think our way out of extinction with clear and effective strategies because black female empowerment groups and female organizations can not exist nor expand without black men protecting their advancement and expansion.

Without the black man's protection business men from other business's, companies, races, nationalities and ethnic groups through mergers, hostile takeovers, leverages, buyouts and unfair business practices will continue to descend upon black female empowerment groups to pluck the black woman endeavors, penetrate her efforts, dilute her goals, compromise and stagnate her progress and expansion of empowerment until she is disillusioned and burned-out from trying to make it in a male dominated business arena.

If we are to survive as a people we must provide protection to the black woman's efforts to reinforce our survival. It is also extremely imperative for African American survival and way of life that the black women support our businesses whether or not they use our product or services.

We need to create and establish an industry to shield and protect our endeavors, raise and shield our children's growth, development, and lives. We must also do business with each other regardless of likes or dislikes for one another religious affiliations or political viewpoints.

It will take time to develop an industry and time is one commodity we are perilously short of therefore we have to take back an industry that we own and that already exist. We must retrieve the black domestic haircare industry if we are to survive in and beyond the 21st century

Even as I write this to you white democrats and white republicans regardless of religious associations, political affiliations and personal views has recognized that inflation and recession is a common enemy to their homes. investments, children's education and existence and therefore they laid down their boxing gloves in the midst of an explosive 2008 presidential election and united themselves to print them more money to hedge up their existence and investments here and abroad.

African Americans must follow suit and switch off our "Willie Lynch Switch" of differences in personality, color and religion and unite our efforts to do business with each other in order to save the children we have, the possession we own and the life we got.

Only the black man with our black female help mate given to us from the grace of God can save the day but brothers and sisters time is of the essence and not on our side. We are getting older, the older are dying away, our young strong, black men that we need are locked down and the babies don't understand.

As African Americans with the divine intervention of God in the form of "Undercover Smart" we can survive, recover and prosper but even God has his limitations of patience.

In Ezekiel chapter 20 verses 2 thru 32 When the leaders of the Israelites went to consult Ezekiel about the Lord's will, the lord thy God told Ezekiel "MORTAL MAN, SPEAK TO THESE MEN AND TELL THEM THAT THE SOVEREIGN LORD IS SAYING: YOU HAVE COME TO ASK ME MY WILL, HAVE YOU? AS SURELY AS I AM THE LIVING GOD, I WILL NOT LET YOU ASK ME ANYTHING! I GAVE YOU MY WILL AND YOU DEFILED ME AND REFUSED TO LISTEN!

Reconize the hand of God. listen to what God has inspired me to tell you. I write a lot more than I talk and I have no idea where it all keeps coming from. all I know is that it is within my spirit that once I lay my pen upon the paper the words from God begins to flow.

It is the vision from God that I say to you make Mubarak Inter-prizes a stronger infrastructure and a central headquarter where from which you can access any given black product on the world wide web. If you have a product and no website to access it then as a central headquarter and infrastructure we will list your product in "our" store.

Sisters, it is God's will that you go to Mubarak Inter-prizes and buy "It's a Miracle" whether you use the product or not. The Daurham Corporation is the last bastion of the black hair care industry still standing and from that sole brick we can build us a fortress of protection from outside destruction.

Black groups, clubs, organizations buy "The Black Star of Courage" and start uplifting African American morale by honoring and presenting African Americans for jobs, deeds and accomplishments well done and deserved.

Gather and rally the unemployed or employables and direct them to seek employment at http://www.undercoversmart.com/. Assist them in downloading how-2-jobs that can be perfected into solid employment for them and others they can in turn employ.

Put aside envy, jealousy and procrastination. Turn off your "Willie Lynch Switch" We can survive and win if we only we tried. let' our battle cry be "In God's name we will do-for-Self."

Enoch Mubarak
President & CEO Mubarak Inter-prizes
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55